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I apologise..............I know we have "done that, bought the T-Shirt" on POI Re: DOGS so to speak BUT I'm at a loss as to what to do and any advice would be appreciated! 2 Dogs 17 & 11.... Border Terrier & 3 legged Yorkie respectively! My "Old Girl" is a beaut.........been with me for most of my life! Blind! Deaf! But acts like a puppy! It's NOT (OZ) going to happen is it? I KNOW that! BUT feel so bad! IF I take her to the Vet..................they are going to "snuff" out her life! (as in suggest the inevitable) Every day I cuddle her thinking "you are not gonna make it girl" I Sooooooooo want her to BUT I'm being realistic...................she is good at the moment! DON'T want to give that responsibility to someone else (haven't got anyone anyway) BUT how do I cope with ending her life prematurely knowing that a Vet will NOT pass her to OZ given her age? I feel so bad! Some of you may think "only a Dog" BUT she is part of my Family! I know I have to "do the right thing" by the old Gal BUT..........................Help? Thoughts on this please???? Sure My Yorkie will be ok BUT how can you choose AND live with your conscience?

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Guest Mrs Braveheart



We had the same predicament with our german shepherd. She was only 8 & a wee bit unpredictable so we thought about not taking here. We couldnt rehome here & thot about getting her put down but in the end we couldnt do it as you say she is part of the family & is now loving life in Oz with us.


You say she acts like a pup altho she is 17 blind & deaf DO you honestly think that she will make the flight if so take her with you. What I would do if phone your vet and ask them over the phone if they think she will make it. The go from there hun. Good luck its not a easy choice to make & yea they are part of the family a big part of it.



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Why don't your ring the Dogs Trust they don't put dogs down and should look after her in their kennels and keep her very comfy so you know she will be looked after and well cared for and happy. We left our dog in the UK and don't think she's missed us, they are fickle creatures, we miss her though.


We re-homed her but unfortunately things haven't worked out as my Uncle's relationship split up and he's now living in a first floor flat and its unsuitable for the dog and she's getting distressed. So now we have bitten the bullet and we are bringing her over to live with us. She is 9 and a jack russell and as crazy as they come and her age was a concern when we first applied so that's why we re-housed her but guess she's meant to come with us just hope to god she leaves the spiders and snakes alone!!!!! She's in for a shock though as landlords here don't like you to have dogs that live in the house whilst you are out at work so she'll have to stay out in the garden (one very unhappy dog she'll be for a while) but we have no choice now and she's going to have to be in a dog box at night as the house is open plan and we don't want to wake up with her in the bed or scratching the walls/floors.


Good luck with whatever choice you make, we appreciate how hard it will be, we went round and round in circles with our dog and felt so guilty leaving her behind.

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You Poor thing! i do really feel for you, what an awful choice to have to contemplate let alone actually have to make the decision at the time. I am in a simular situation with my Dog she is a Bichon freise and is 10 and although it good health we do not have the funds to be able to take her with us really, the pain of leaving her behind is going to be terrible but with things like this you do really have to be realistic. She going to have to be re-homed. See if you can get yours re-homed, 17 is a ripe old age for a dog, i know someone who had a Jack russel male dog who lived until he was 21 so she may have a few years in her yet. The journey may be very confusing for her as she is blind and deaf but some animals cope ok. Check with your vet but to be honest do you think you could forgive yourself if you had her put to sleep? I know i couldn't !

I really do feel for you and the thought of you having to make that awful choice is very upsetting. PM me if you need to chat hun x Alison x

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Really appreciate your predicament. We left our 12 year old border collie behind in the U.K. It broke my heart but we had to be realistic and concentrate on what would be best for her (not us). She would have hated the heat and as we used to live in the Devon countryside was used to a lot of freedom which I suspect she would not have had here in NSW as there are so many restrictions on where you can exercise your dogs off-lead. We were very fortunate in re-homing her with some good friends who have a small-holding only a mile or so from our old home so she has familiar walking areas and smells and I know is very loved by her new mum and dad. We were so lucky to be able to do this. I used to worry myself sick on what to do with her if we had not been so fortunate in re-homing her with familiar people. Our next idea was the collie rescue centre but ........ I don't think I could really have abandoned her like that. Guess I would have advertised through the vets for a kind person to take her on to see out her years with love. Wish I could reassure you but I just know what you are going through. Only a dog!!!!! Sometimes - most times they are our best pals eh?


Wishing you well



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This will probably be one of the toughest choices you will have to make.


I know exactly how you feel. I was in a similar situation.


I had a 11 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback who developed bronchial pneumonia. He was left with 50% of his lung capacity, and was off an on antibiotics for 18 months.


We spent over £4000 keeping him with us for that extra 18 months and during that time I refused to go to OZ. He would never have been fit to fly and probably would never have survived the flight or the change in climate anyway.


Having him put to sleep was never ever an option and neither was taking him to OZ. I have a very understanding OH and he was ok with the fact that he would have to wait that little bit longer to get here because of the dog.


Sadly I lost my precious boy 16 months ago and only then did we apply for our visa.


I know it doesn't really help in your decision. i just really wanted to try and say go with your heart and do what's best for your dog, rather than for yourself.


Feel free to PM me anytime if you want someone to chat it over with.


Debs x x

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Guest Les & Woz
I apologise..............I know we have "done that, bought the T-Shirt" on POI Re: DOGS so to speak BUT I'm at a loss as to what to do and any advice would be appreciated! 2 Dogs 17 & 11.... Border Terrier & 3 legged Yorkie respectively! My "Old Girl" is a beaut.........been with me for most of my life! Blind! Deaf! But acts like a puppy! It's NOT (OZ) going to happen is it? I KNOW that! BUT feel so bad! IF I take her to the Vet..................they are going to "snuff" out her life! (as in suggest the inevitable) Every day I cuddle her thinking "you are not gonna make it girl" I Sooooooooo want her to BUT I'm being realistic...................she is good at the moment! DON'T want to give that responsibility to someone else (haven't got anyone anyway) BUT how do I cope with ending her life prematurely knowing that a Vet will NOT pass her to OZ given her age? I feel so bad! Some of you may think "only a Dog" BUT she is part of my Family! I know I have to "do the right thing" by the old Gal BUT..........................Help? Thoughts on this please???? Sure My Yorkie will be ok BUT how can you choose AND live with your conscience?



I have a dog too (Ralph) only 2 years old and is like my third child! We are gonna take him and obviously will be OK due to age. We did think about leaving him with my sister who also loves him and we know he would be happy there, but we decided in the end it's our dog so we should keep him. In your case you have such a dilemma I really feel for you. If you have her put down as you suggest you will feel so guilty as well as the trauma of doing that. If you don't you will worry about her because she will probably pine for you but if she was somewhere she was looked after I am sure she would be OK. Is there no member of the family that would take her on if you left them funds for vet bills and this is what would be the thing that would be the worry. What about speaking to animal rescue places in your area and RSPCA to see if they have any ideas. There are lots of people who love animals and would give her a home as it won't be a long term commitment. Even leaving her with someone you are happy with will be hard but maybe better than the alternative?

Whatever you decide I hope it all works out for you without too much heartache.

Les xxx

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Guest barbie333


I apprectaite your dilemma. I was in a similar situation a couple of years ago. My mother had a haemorrage 3 years ago and at the same time I had two dogs with cancer. My mother lives 6 hours away and I could only take one dog with me as they didn't get on. I was so worried about leaving the other dog with friends to look after i seriously considered putting her to sleep. I discussed this with my vet who said it certainly wouldn't be cruel or unreasonable, but like you, I don't think I could have lived with the guilt of actually going ahead with it.

Fate took its course and after a happy last month she took a turn for the worst and after a night in the veterinary hospital had to be put to sleep.


My other dog who was given three days to live at one point, lived for another year! So don't write your dog off too soon!


I personally couldn't have lived with the inevitable guilt of ending my dogs life early, and although it's easy to say from an outside point of view. I would stay until he lives his life out unless you can find a suitable home where he will be happy. Have you tried the rescue organisations? They might have someone who is willing to take him on for his last days and give him a lovely home.


I hope things work out for you, whichever decision you decide to make.

Oh and by the way, my mother, who was also written off by the medical proffession ! made a full recovery!!!! So don't give up hope!!

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Just wanted to say a BIG THANKYOU to all of you who have replied to my post regarding my Dogs!

It was lovely to read all your heartfelt replys....................... Unfortunately your kindness set me off again:cry:


I still haven't made a decision yet but I have took on board all your suggestions and I will keep you posted once I know which direction I am going in!


However................just wanted to make it clear and say that "I" have no intention of putting her to sleep (I could not live with that decision) but I have been putting off going to the Vet as I know that is what "he" will suggest...................they don't seem to understand.......

Also, some of you asked "is there no one who could look after her" I'm afraid there isn't.........all my Family are in Oz and the friends I do have here have animals of their own! With her problems it is a massive responsibility to ask a friend BUT I am hoping someone/somewhere may take her on on a one to one basis.........and it would be an absolute bonus if it was someone I knew


Thanks again everyone

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