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Is the grass greener??

Guest bikergirl

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Guest bikergirl

Hi we are due to move out to OZ, next year. Just had our medicals done and have started to tell people our plans.

Only a few of our friends and only one family member think it's a good idea.

Most think we are mad to try. We have fairly good jobs, low mortgage, two young kids etc.

The reaction we are having is why are we giving up all this to go to the other side of the world, where you have no job, no house and you don't know what it really like there.

The most frequent saying we have is THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER.

IS IT ??

It is putting doubts into what we believe is our dream for a better life style.


please any advice, would be welcomed.

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We're mad too.

We've just started the ball rolling my hubby Paul is a brickie and we have 4 children 14, 12, 9 and 3 my parents are going to Spain in October and we decided to tell them our plans, they are surprisingly supportive my sis is very quiet about it and I have only told one friend who said go for it (we only decided to give it a go last week). I am worried about telling the others. The children are up for it.


You only have one life and its not a dress rehearsal - go for it. Good luck.


:lol: Angie :lol:

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Guest bikergirl

Hi Angie

I much prefer your saying, rather than my hubby's parents who are extremely negative.

It also helps when others think they are mad- like us.

Good luck with your application

probably speak a lot in the next copule of months.



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Guest markyblueyes

hi all


this topic is a very emotive, i think all of us become affected by the thoughts of others and all the negatives associated with what is viewed as family suicide!


we are in the same position. we are waiting for a decision from adelaide everything has been done just the stress of waiting now :? do family and friends know what that is like for prospective migrees!! not a chance.


my family think it is a wonderful opportunity, my wife's family however think its the end of the world. while we respect there views and understand that taking 3 grandchildren away from them will be tough on them, they have lost sight of the fact that this is our life and we so choose to take which ever path we follow.


i have been disowned since xmas when we first told them, my wife became ill for 2 months with the stress and anxiety and the last 3 months it has made me ill. what with applying, the most stressful job in the world, a house sale, the thought of leaving family and friends, will the kids cope with such a move :shock: :shock:


we have been reduced to feeling incompetent and have become doubtful in our own ability to make our own life decisions, WHAT A BUMMER!!!


GUESS WHAT------------- ITS NOT


we have taken the best that can be thrown at us and have become more confident than ever!! we returned from oz this last weekend after a 5 week holiday with the kidz-- totally amazing, it was our 3rd trip their and it just keeps getting better and better!! to all you folks in the same boat




my inlaws said to me yesterday 'do you realise how traumatic it was not to have the grandchildren on holiday with us' to that i said 'it must have" but 'they had a fab time with there mum and dad' whats the moral here


life can be what ever you want it to be, with peaks and troughs. go with your dreams and live your life to the full, you've only got one!!!!


keep focused and take whatever is thrown at you on the chin. mine is bruised!! but we are almost their!!!


good luck to you all!!



p.s. i wish adelaide would hurry up and throw my permanent visa at my chin!! :P 8)

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Guest Sunshine

Hi everyone.

New to this so bear with me!

I think its not so much the grass is greener, (in fact in Adelaide its parched brown alot of the time :P ) just that the grass on the other side is very different, which is why we all want to go and see for ourselves.

We came to Adelaide because my husband got a job here, so no pre concieved ideas of what life would be like and no comparisons as to wether life would be better or worse than the life we had in the uk, we just knew it would be different, and now a year later I am finally working out how it feels to be living here and in which ways Adelaide is better or worse than living in the uk.

So no greener grass as such but better grass in places!!

Sunshine :)

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Guest Heathertoes

We have nothing but support from all our friends, they respect our choices and understand why we are trying to make the move. As for family,my inlaws are okay about it now. My mother in law is quite ill and knows she won't make it out to see us but shares our philosophy of 'you only live once'. Undoubtedly they will miss the kids (and us) but it is only 1 day away and with the internet we will probably keep in more contact with them than we do now.


I have no close family left, parents and sister died in very young of cancer. I am approaching 40 but have been given a new lease of life by having a genetic test which came back negative. Ever since then we have looked to the future.


Whether this is the right move, we won't know until we try - but at least we are prepared to give it our best. As for the grass being greener we are under no impression that Oz is the promised land. We visited Adelaide for the first time this year and found it, in the main, to be what we were looking for. Somewhere clean, friendly and safe to bring up the kids and give them another life experience.


Its YOUR dream, don't let anyone else stamp on it.



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Guest Boomer

The grass is greener is a pain in the backside. My partner and I lived in Sydney for 2.5 years and then decided that we missed England, family, going to see Brighton & Hove Albion play, etc and came back. We do not regret it as we have had two lovely kids, nice home, dog , etc since then. We should never have come back to England, but the grass is greener........ Now we want to return to Oz and have a massive guilt complex mainly based around the grandparents. My folks visited yesterday and I told them we wanted to move back to Oz. It went OK but the road is full of ups and downs emotionwise from one day to the next. It makes it even harder when your 3 year old says "I love you so much nanny Rose". Next we have to tell my partners dad and we have been analysing it to death. Should we shouldn't we?......then I read what you lot put and that makes me feel a whole lot better that you are all in the same boat. Sorry about that but that's human's for you. Christ we are even worried that we will be taking our dog Boomer away from his grandad!!!! The grass is greener when I was in Sydney and it's greener now in the UK....but that is probably to do with all the rain.


Bottom line is my kids won't be stuck indoors for most of the year, they will have a swimming pool, Brisbane's winter is the same as the UK's summer!!!! Like eveyone has said, life's too short, live it like todays you last and keep positive. We are all not going through this sh1t for a laugh.


I'll get back in my box. Can't wait to be in gods country (as my mate Shane calls Oz) :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Hello there, well we all must be barking mad on this site then!!!

Wait wait wait wait wait - and then wait some more!!

We are off to Adelaide in March, fingers crossed.

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what grass u been smokn, we live in a desert where the droughts are followed by floods. U can stick cold wet grey depressing london where the sun dont shine im happy as a pig in shite over in the land of OZ.

thats my thoughts ,lucky we are all different.well today its going to be 24 deg C and not a cloud in the sky again, what will i do? play golf? take out the Jet ski or lay on the beach.

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Guest gypsygirl

Is the grass greener? Im banking on it!

Im not coming this close to worry about it now.

Will it work out? well I dont know but were gonna have fun finding out and hay if it does'nt we will just come back. :wink:


Good luck everyone!!!!


who's going? me & hubby and our 2 girls aged 14 & 7 :wink:

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:D We agree, it's got to be greener than the uk. Surely a much safer place for our children to grow up in? Myself I'm a mad patriotic Welshman and I do not want my children to grow up in the UK.

The future is Aus, we hope.

All we ask for for a safe environment. Good luck to everyone

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Guest samantha davies

We have been accepted for Perth but my husband and me are having cold feet are we doing the right thing or not. Im begining to think we should just move to Devon!!!!!!!! It is making me sick, we have 2 boys aged 8 and 13 i just want the best possible future for the.

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Hi Samantha


We are in the early stages of our paperwork hubby Paul is collecting references for TRA we have decided to go for it, if we get in I have told the children (14, 12, 9 and 4) it will be like a working holiday for a year and then we will review it. If we love it we will stay if not we come back to the UK having had a fantastic experience.


I know what you mean though, one minute your up then the next your down very emotional time.


Good luck whatever you decide


:lol: Angie :lol:

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Hi All


Have just been reading this topic and had an affinity with you all! :roll: Had a year in Oz on a working holiday 5 years after my Husband died. Now I plan to return with my Son to live, want to give him space to roam without constant grief from neighbours! My parents just will not discuss the matter! My dead husband is apparently talking to my mother now telling her I will not be going! :shock: It is very difficult as it is and now my folks will not know until I'm getting on the plane at this rate!


It is a big decision and I know the right one but you would think your family would want to support, not hinder this!


My biggest fear when I get out there is finding a good creche for my boy and a place to rent where I can have my three dogs :?


Speak soon

Sharon n Seth



Just had my skills assessment passed awaiting Migration agent to lodge my Visa App. Informed should have my visa by February!! That's when it all gets scary!! :shock:

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Hi Scoop


I am starting to tell more people our plans. My parents are being supportive Pauls mum who we see once a year because she's a very busy lady is devastated!! I've told them its only a day away so come and see us and we will come back for visits every 5 years or so (if we stay) maybe see Pauls mum for a week then!!!


Your folks are only reacting like this because they care. Count to 10 then scream lol.


We are going with the view it will be a working holiday for a year and a fantastic experience, then we'll review it, if we like it we'll stay if not we come back. Hey you only live once this is not a dress rehearsal so go for it.


Where are you heading for? We are going to somewhere near Melbourne.


Good Luck


:lol: Angie :lol:

(hubby & 4 kids)

:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Hi Angie


I know my parents will take it hard, more so because I don't think they will travel to us for a visit. But when my boy at school his summer break will be at xmas so good for a long break in the cold U.K.!


Was first thinking about Northern Rivers NSW, but now looking at Maryborough, Sunshine Coast as I have friends who are moving there in 2007. It looks a really nice place but it's going to be about where I can get employment, now I have a little boy can't be as flexible with shift work!


Just can't wait for the waiting to be over, I think this is the worst bit.


Take care

Sharon Seth and Mutts


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Feel much better having read all these postings. We have let everyone know and have had mixed reactions from yep go for it, its your life, to that's it once you go- it will be difficult to come back again. Family giving us a really really hard time and sending us on a guilt trip.


I think I change my mind 50times a day, but if you don't try you'll never know! We're giving up a lot, it's a huge risk but hopefully its worth taking. Just wish it wasn't so far! But I guess that's what makes it the place it is.


Good luck all, we still don't know if we've been successful for our business visas and we've even told our employers. Positive Mental Attitude!

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Guest samantha davies

Hi Scoop, do you have any family or friends in Oz, i think its great and your very brave. I hope it goes well. Will you miss your family??



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Hi Sam


Have friends over there from my year there in 2000. They live in Sydney which I love but I want to settle a bit further north, better weather, and I want a bit more country space for my little boy and pack of animals! My friends are moving to Maryborough in 2007 which looks really nice but I am looking to find a good hospital where I can afford some land for the family.


I will miss the family but there is a complicated history and I know the move will be good for me and my boy. After the death of my husband I appreciate that you have to make the most of what you have and try not to have any regrets.


I must admit the nearer it gets the more apprehensive I get but I think that is the prospect of selling everything, moving and starting again.


Very much looking forward to it though.



x :D

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Hey Scoop


You have to do what you think is best for your son. That is the driving force for us. I am fed up with seeing my kids stuck in most of the year. We have had another shocking summer weather wise, apart from the last couple of weeks. Typical when we tell the grandparents it's mainly coz of the climate we have a heatwave....sort of.


On the dog front, these pet agencies charge a fortune. £3k all up for a rough collie. I hope you are loaded!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:



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Hi Boomer


The weather is a real bummer here I know and my folks work 7 days a week this time of year so wont be missing much!


The last quote I have was a couple of years ago and that was nearly £5000!! Selling all my worldly goods to fund the move!!


Can't wait!!




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Guest samantha davies

Hi, I think once we are out their the family bit will sort itself out but i have been told that meeting new friends and mixing will be difficult unless you are forced together, this is worrying me as i will not be working for a while until i am sure the kids are fully settled. God its 1 thing after another.

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Must admit met all my friends through house share but they are all so friendly and you'll meet folks through the kids. Where do you intend to settle? When do you think you will be there?


Sharon n Seth



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Guest samantha davies

Hi Scoop, we have decided on North of Perth a place called Jundaloop, its really nice. Its not far from teh sea and the natural habitat.



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