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Partner Visa, siblings details?


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Hello, I was wondering if anyone would be able to shed some light on this for me. I am in a relationship with an Australian, we have been in the relationship since January 2012, and were good friends for 3 years before that. I am currently with him in Australia on a Working Holiday Visa until next March. I am looking for farm work to extend the visa so I can come back next year.

We've been having a look at our future options, and have been looking at the partner visa. My question is this: I noticed on the character requirement form, they ask for details of any parents, brothers or sisters, such as names, addresses and such. I have two half brothers I don't speak to and haven't spoken to for years, its fair to say we wouldn't be on good terms if we did speak. I know the cities they live in, but thats all, so I can't put any addresses down. Will they find and contact my brothers to ask about me? I know I can't just not put their names on it, I don't want to get into trouble for not giving accurate/full information, but I'm worried as even if I don't put their addresses down, would they still be able to be contacted? and if they were, and gave negative statements, would this cause problems with the application?

Thanks, Kerry

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