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Health Insurance


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I'm not sure that there is any one policy that is "the best". Unfortunately I think that you just need to take some time to sit down and go through the details of the various options as what works for someone else (e.g. a couple, someone with children, different age) may not be best priced for you.


We went with my husbands old provider (nib) as we were told he would get continuity of cover etc but it actually turned out that we didn't... The policy is good though and meets our needs so we decided to keep it. In a year's time when we're more settled and when it comes up for renewal we're probably going to have a good look around and make sure we are definitely on the best one for us though.

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I am an ex pat who now works for a private health insurer here in Australia. Private health insurance is a very personal choice depending on your circumstances and needs.

If you have any questions feel free to ask away, I am more than happy to give you my knowledge !


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