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medical issues

peter bull

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Hi all


We had our medicals 9 weeks ago tomorrow and i new mine was going to be refered due to a medical condition, looking on here medicals are taking between 8-12 weeks to finalise. I emailed case officer 2 weeks after medicals to say all was done and do they need any more information from us and got a blank reply saying always use referance no in all correspondence. So 8 weeks down the line i emailed her again and she replied with we are not showing any medical results on our system for you or your family WTF so back on to pannel doctor and they assure me they got uploaded the same day for the kids and later in the week for the adults due to waiting on bloods and xrays to come back. Emailed case officer with the respose from the pannel doctor and no answer, so my question is has anybody else ever experianced this and what was the out come, if CO has not refered my results as yet does this mean i will have to wait a further 8-12 weeks from now?





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OMG Peter!! After waiting so long.


I had an email from our CO to say that the med assessment team could not see my blood results. I spoke to the panel hospital and they could not upload them to the system as my file had closed (it was a few weeks after the meds). The hospital said they should not really send results to the applicant, but it was the only way to send them as they are not supposed to have any contact with the CO either. The hospital sent them to me and I uploaded them on the visa and also sent a copy to the CO.


Could you ask for this to be done in your case? Not ideal, but if A is saying they have them to B and B cannot see them, you could be going round in circles for a long time.


Wishing you the very Best of Luck Hon xx

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Im still not sure if the case officer gets to see the medicals, when the pannel doctor hes done there examination do they not send it straight through to global health ? and the results back to case officer once a decision has been made ? with the system going electronic over the last fiew months im not convinced they know there selves how it works.

My head is banging with it all:arghh:

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Hi Peter


just to hijack your thread- I am in the same boat as you myself and hubby- medicals ok But for some unknown reason his non migrating daughters medical has been referred, A grade with no health condition. Her medical was done on 13th referred on 20th so we have been waiting 6 weeks. My case officer is really nice and emails me back same day and doesn't moan when I call her (team 34 Brisbane) she said her hands are tied and it's just a waiting game. I will send you a private mail so we are connected and I will let you know when we get medical approved


I feel your pain I was on the phone crying to my case officer when I found out it was referred because we had planned to move on 12th Aug (my hubby has 3 month notice period) - doesn't look likely that we will move in Aug at all as hubby can't risk putting in notice incase medical approval takes months :(

typed this on my phone sorry for grammar!



Hi all


We had our medicals 9 weeks ago tomorrow and i new mine was going to be refered due to a medical condition, looking on here medicals are taking between 8-12 weeks to finalise. I emailed case officer 2 weeks after medicals to say all was done and do they need any more information from us and got a blank reply saying always use referance no in all correspondence. So 8 weeks down the line i emailed her again and she replied with we are not showing any medical results on our system for you or your family WTF so back on to pannel doctor and they assure me they got uploaded the same day for the kids and later in the week for the adults due to waiting on bloods and xrays to come back. Emailed case officer with the respose from the pannel doctor and no answer, so my question is has anybody else ever experianced this and what was the out come, if CO has not refered my results as yet does this mean i will have to wait a further 8-12 weeks from now?





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