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Looking for Care Hire/Travel from Sydney to Queensland


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Hey Guys,


I wonder if some of you may be able to help!


I'm currently living in Sydney, but I'm soon planning to head up to Queensland as I need to do some farm work so I can get my 2nd WHV.


I'm 23, and struggling to find a good car rental company that is prepared to insure me for a decent price, and a company that is pretty flexible with you dropping the car off at a different location.


Anyone know of any good companies I could try?


Or another way of getting to Queensland and travelling for relatively cheap?


Your help would be much appreciated! :biggrin:





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Have you looked at sharing a ride ? You see ad's on Gumtree looking for people to car share and contribute to fuel etc , so it may be worth looking at.

Also one way car or camper hire may be another option, you have so many days to drive from A to B (the companys states where) and get a contribution towards fuel.


Hope this helps a bit

Cal x

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