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Travelling with young children in taxi's car seat dilemma

Paul Creighton

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Hi, can anyone help me please. We are travelling to Perth via Dubai soon and we have a 7 year old and a 1 year old can we take our UK child car seats to use in the taxis in Dubai and Australia? We are collecting a camper van in Perth who are providing Australian car seats, but how do we transport our children in the taxis which take us from the airport to hotel in Dubai and also from Perth airport to the camper van collection point? Thank you a very anxious parent.

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You could pre-book your taxis and ask them to provide car seats, although I don't think that they actually have to have a car seat in a taxi if one isn't available. I know that British car seats are illegal to use in Australia, so I am not sure that a taxi driver would be willing to use seats that you had brought from the UK.

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I would be careful booking carseats with taxis. This is what we did and the standard of the carseats were truly appalling - had there been a crash, I'm not convinced they would have done anything. I sat with my heart in my mouth the entire trip (1 had a 3 month old and a 2 year old). If I was going again, I would rent my own carseats from a baby equipment hire type place - I think some have collection from the airport?

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