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Local experience? Racism in another form?

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Does anyone have any idea why companies ask for 3 years "local experience". I'm an Aussie living in UK, I have seen an IT job advertised in Melbourne, SQL Server developer, I meet all the experience skill requirments was about to apply as it was direct to the company not an agen. Then I noticed it was asking for "local" experience.


I cant understand why they would put that in a job ad in the IT world other than they are saying they dont want any Indians/Chinese immigrants applying for it? What do people think? Am I wide of the mark?


I could understand in some jobs local knowledge could be vital, but in this job I really cant see how its of any use.

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Many local companies rely on if someone else has hired a foreigner then they must be ok?


I would say local experience is not desired. Overseas experience preferred.


But what am I compared to local competitors ... oh thats right successful.

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