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Looking at a particular property at the moment.


Essentially only thing missing is a pool, it has a Spa but no pool.


What I am after is an inground (from new) pool for swimming with an enclosure which will be constructed seperately including solar heating.


The site has great access (and obvious search required for what is underground but its currently just an old garden patch).


Looking for 4 metres wide by about 12 metres length, with a starting depth of about 1.2 rising to 2.4 metres.


Have any one Melbourne recommendations or experiences to share?

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We are in QLD and used Barrier Reef pools. Ours is roughly the size your looking for ,its called the Hayman. I am so glad we got this size, its great, roomy and deep enough for adults to dive into as well as kids. We had the pool company fit the pool and pump and we did the concreting and fencing. Your wise to have solar fitted, we got the attachments fitted to the pool but never had the money spare to buy the kit and fix it all up and now we are just used to not having it,lol, a pool blanket keeps a lot of heat in, if you buy a good one.

We said the only thing we would change if we ever bought one from new again would be to fully enclose it, a bit like a shade house.


Lots of luck with it all, its one of the best things we did and 6 years on it still gets a lot of use.

Cal x

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which area of Melbourne are you based? A number of the pool companies are franchises so no guarantee you will get the same service from one franchise as the other.


We used Leisure pools here in the eastern suburbs and were very happy with the final result and with the builder (salesman was only interested in getting the deal sealed)




As Cal mentions, a pool cover very important because of evaporation (and keeping clean) & solar in Melbourne will extend the period you can use it by about two months (unless you are very bloody brave :) )


Also think very carefully about positioning if you have gum trees on or around your property. They drop leaves all year, and can make the pool a lot more maintenance than you expect. Other things worth adding to the shopping list is a winter cover (Clark rubber have them about $1200.00 for your size pool) and an automated creepy crawly (something decent can cost easily $1000.00 and upwards).


lastly, landscaping and fencing around the pool can cost serious money as well, so dont forget to factor that into your budget.

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