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Do the Visa alone or not??


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Im looking into sorting my Visa alone to try and save some money. Any ideas on the best route to take???

I have a wife and 2 children and have been in the motor trade for 23 years.

Ive been offered a 457 visa but I am looking at going for a 189 or 190.


Thanks In Advance

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Lots if help on here and immi website if you want to do it yourself. See forum thread posted in the last few days debating this very question http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/showthread.php?t=175735


Personally we are doing it ourselves also to save money but there re a number of pitfalls to be aware of. If your case is straight forward though you should be able to do it yourself. Just make sure you have all your evidence to claim any of the points before submitting your eoi

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Any questions let us know we can try and help. Do you need ielts points? Also be careful when claiming work experience as in some professions you can only claim points for work experience one you are qualified in your profession. What skill are you applying under?

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My mistake I do need to take the ielts test to get at least ten points that will give me 65 pionts in total so if there is anyone who has taken it would be great to now what its like to do


My husband sat the IELTS test. It was a long day, and took a lot of concentration. He revised for about 2 weeks before he sat it, which is recommended. He is a teacher, but needed to practice the style and format of the various tests, and as a consequence, got good results (see scores below). There's lots of practice sites on the internet, and books that you can buy etc. Also, lots of people have given advice on PomsinOz, so worth putting IELTS into 'search'!

Good luck!

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