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IT Professional - Where to go?


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Hello :)


You're not far wrong. My research tells me a similar story to the UK. All the best IT jobs are in Sydney (or London). Doesn't mean there isn't decent jobs outside of sydney though. The cost of living in Sydney is the same as that in London nearly. So weigh up what you want.


Brisbane is a happy medium to me. Life on the beach, cheaper, more laid back... well, I move in June so I'll find out then.



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Hello :)


You're not far wrong. My research tells me a similar story to the UK. All the best IT jobs are in Sydney (or London). Doesn't mean there isn't decent jobs outside of sydney though. The cost of living in Sydney is the same as that in London nearly. So weigh up what you want.


Brisbane is a happy medium to me. Life on the beach, cheaper, more laid back... well, I move in June so I'll find out then.




cool, so are you in IT too? This is just the start of my research into moving to Oz! im sure i will learn a lot on the way!

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Depends on your experience, qualifcations and chosen occupation. Have you looked at the ensol yet? Do you have any relatives in oz? How old are you ?


All these factors will add points to your application.


IF you have more 3 or 4 years experience and have a degree in IT/Computer Sciences then I'd say you've got no problem. Have a read on the DIAC website, inparticularly the section about Skilled Visas. This holds all th einfo you need to find out if you qualify. If you think you've got a good chance, check the ACS website and look into getting a skills assesment done.


Hope this helps.

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There's two ways of taking your girl friend:


  1. Go as a defacto couple. This basically means you have been living together as a practical married could without actually being married. But you need evidence to prove that your relationship is solid and genuine. This sort of proof would be things like photo's, invites, references from friends and a paragraph or 6 about how you got to know each other, etc.
  2. She could apply in her own right. This would mean she'd have to have a skills assesment and also get 120pts.

What does your girlfriend do? Is it similar to a job on the ENSOL/MODL ? If it is, then she's starting in a good place.


I'm sure there is possibly another way that your girlfriend could accompany you, but someone else will have to fill in the blank as I can't recall what it is.

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Hi Dave


We are using Peter at PTLabs, his email address is Ptlabs Consulting he came highly recommended to us via this site as an IT specialist and he used to work for the ACS so knows how they work. Hubby is a web developer. Melbourne has the second largest amount of IT jobs so we understand so that's where we hope to be hopefully sometime next year.


Good luck,



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My husband is in IT and when we looked into it, Sydney is top for IT jobs and Melbourne 2nd. Cost of living is highest in Sydney and quality of life surveys always have Melbourne in top few worldwide, so, weve opted for Melbourne. Hope to be there by the end of the year (fingers crossed).

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