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Job Specific Qualifications


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I am looking to move to Australia soon and, in my current job of events management, I have years of practical experience but no real qualifications.


To this end I have been looking at online distance learning courses that will allow me to back up my practical experience with a qualification... This isn't as easy as it sounds as I have now been drowned in certificates, diplomas and more to the point my head is spinning!


Would anyone be able to recommend the way to proceed - ie which level of qualification is likely to help the most and also if I should be looking for a UK qualification or an Australian qualification. I have researched both options but am unsure which would carry the most weight when job searching.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Hi, I'd check with the assessing authority that you will be applying to for your skills assessment. I was just finishing my NVQ level 3 when I applied to TRA but they advised that even if completed by the time of assessment that they would need 3 years post qualification experience. TRA did advise me that gaining an Australian AQF level 3 awarded on the grounds of recognised prior learning would be acceptable to them.

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Thanks for the reply - luckily I will be applying on a class 309/100 (Partner) visa so I won't require a skills assessment - this is just to aid my chances of securing a decent job once I get there.


I will look into that Aus qualification grade though - the more I can find out, the better!

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