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Informal Chat Western Australia Government Health Service


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I'm having a 15 to 20 minute 'informal chat' with a representative from W.A. Health service. I'm a Nurse, intending to emigrate to Perth,any one knows what these informal chats are all about please? Is it like a proper Job interview and if it is,any tips please? Any one working for Royal Perth or any of the government hospitals please? What were the questions like? Worried:unsure: xxxx

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Hi there I'm not much help re the information but wanted to wish you luck & remember an informal chat is just that, they want to get an idea of you as a person, It might be good if you familiarise yourself with medicare as that is the government Health Service here.

If you want to come & live & work here just be yourself, my husband had an informal chat with his now boss when we were in uk they just had a chat to see how they got on & this is just as important they will then go from there, they must have all your details to want to chat to you.

They should outline what they do & how things work.

So try not to stress this moving thing is hard work but defo pays off


Good Luck

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