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Help with TRA for Painter & Decorator


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Can anyone help with the requirements of the TRA for a Painter & Decorator. We really don't know where to start with the actual statement. I know we will have to put in stuff about the apprenticeship, the qualification and employment but we are struggling with how to lay this out and how much detail should be in there. Is there anyone out there who is prepared to share their submission to point us in the right direction? Cheeky, I know, asking you to share your hard work but we've been struggling with this for days. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please help 2 very confused people. :confused:

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My OH is in a different trade to you, but the stat dec would basically follow the same basic outline for a tradesman.


My OH actually did three stat decs for his assessment. One each for training, work history and tax information.


The training gave an account of how he started in his trade and why he decided to train in it. He gave a detailed account of what he learnt, when and how and also listed (with explanation) of each tool and machine he used.


He sent copies of his qualifications and also detailed explanations of each module of the qualification.


The work history he accounted for how he started his own business, what he did to set it up, how he sought suppliers, clients and described each in detail. We were told to write it like a book from starting in the trade to present day and to refer to the evidence that you are also producing.


The more detailed you can be, the better. TRA love paperwork and also like to see the i's dotted and the t's crossed.


We sent a ringbinder of papers and it took us months to prepare. We don't know whether it was overkill or not, but we got through TRA on the first time of applying, so were just grateful not to have to repeat the ordeal more than once.


There are a few of us that have faced TRA, so just ask as many questions as you can. Someone will be able to help or know where to look.


Good Luck.

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