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457 visa jobs has situation changed


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Hi all


I am a boilermaker, Had hoped to have been over in Perth by now visa granted last May but sponsor company are waiting for the labour market to change as there has been some uproar over foriegn labour getting jobs before local labour is used first, well I am 100% backing any local labour in any country having first refusal on jobs this is only fair, I am sure Canada have this policy when contracts start.


Any way question is can anyone say for certain the issue's have been resolved and the labour market has started to move again? I would like to think my chances of getting over very soon are looking good?

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Hi Truchazul,

I am not sure the labour issues have been resolved in Oz, i know that the unemployment rate in some states has gone up due to the mining slowdown, affected by the chinese slow down.

The use of foreign labour was highlighted when Gina Rhinehart (Big mining billionaire) got government approval to bring in 1700 foreign workers mainly from Indonesia / Asia.

She also accused Aussies of wanting to get paid for sitting in the pub drinking.

Unfortunately this turned a lot of public opinion against foreign workers. Depending on what profession you are in things aren't too bad for employment but i think employers are wary of bad publicity and are wary of taking on foreign labour. Most understand that workers from the more developed countries have a good work ethic whilst workers from poorer countries will do the job cheaper and with lesser work conditions (i'm not saying they are lazy or that they do get worse work conditions but there are unscrupulous employers).


I've got a cousin over there who works in mining and the town where he works was having a bit of a slowdown when i was over there in November, they are now getting ready for the next influx of workers as there seems to be the start of rumours of new ramp up in production where he is.

Once the local employment pools can't adequately resource the mining jobs again they will start looking elsewhere for workers, whether it be there own 'skilled' workers to train up or foreign workers.

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I think after about a year I would be doubting this labour hire company you are with. Are you sure you have a visa granted as you cannot get a 457 without a job. Read the other thread - LABOUR AGREEMENTS and see what has been happening there. Labour hire companies are a waste of time.

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I know where you are coming from you have made it more than clear in previous mail, my only problem being is I am past 50 and this is the only way I can get back to Australia by having a sponsor through a 457visa which I can add I do have the visa granted and issue number, so at least the agency have gone that far, also 17 from the original 27 recruited at the same time have already been found placements, the rest have been unfortunate me included to have landed in a time when foriegn labour has had to except the situation, again I think it is right local labour where possible should be utalised first. All I can hope now is that the agency finally come up with the goods or I have to kiss my dream goodbye and try an alternative.

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