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How much money do I need to migrate to WA?


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I am aware of the costs involved and fees to migrate but can anyone give me a rough idea on how much cash is actually needed to cover relocation? I know the NT give figures but I can't seem to find anything for WA. Any help on this is greatly appreciated!

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Depends on where you move, if you have a job, will you rent or buy, are you shipping your stuff.


We moved to a good suburb in WA. We landed with a suitcae each and that was it. Our container took 3 mths to arrive. We had £5000 to last us til our money came thro from the UK and we survived on that. Out of this money we had to furnish our rental, pay 6 weeks rent upfront and rent until we started work.


That was for a family of 5 including food, paying for drivers licence etc.

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Thanks for the reply. I was more concerned about what you would need to show on bank statements. I have family to stay with when I land and can also cover the cost of everything. I'm looking to go to WA too but the NT state government want $30,000 which seemed a bit steep!

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