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Aargh frustrated with vetasses


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Although it looks like we'll be fine getting a visa through Hubbys skills I want a plan B.


I have seen that SA have complementary health profesionals nec on their list. As a hypnotherapist I come under that category so it seemed we may indeed have a plan B.


However the skills criteria list a degree and employed work experience.

I am self employed as are nearly all hypnotherapists in the UK plus there is no Degree in Hypnotherapy here.

I am as qualified as i can be in the UK.


I have e-mailed vetasses to air my concern and to see if its worth applying or not and I had a completely irrelevant auto-e-mail sent in return so I emailed back and asked them again and this time I got another generic e-mail which didnt answer my question!


So, what am I to do? if it is on the csol and on the state sponsorship list for SA there must be a way surely- or do i need to look for plan C as backup- help please-my brain is fried :wacko:

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Thanks for the reply.

I just wanted to suss out whether there was the option for me to get the visa rather than Hubby having to do it but got frustrated at the lack of info from vetasses. I dont suppose its in their interest to give away too much info pre-assessment!


Plan A still stands

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