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Pet costs...figures anyone? RE POST


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Hi everyone - i posted this on the PETS form yesterday but didn't get any replies so thought i would try it here! Thanks in advance!


Hello all,

We are looking into the prices of taking our beloved doggie over to Oz with us...there's no question about it he's coming down under with us!

Just wondering if any of you who have already taken your dog over could advise on a couple of costs. We've been quoted two prices for two different packages and there is approx £1K difference in them.


I wondered how much it would be for the following things if we were to organise it ourself...so whether it would be cheaper this way, or if it just makes sense to get the pet transfer company to do it all....any help would be much appreciated!

* Application and payment for import licenses from Australian authorities

* RNATT declaration completion

* All veterinary fees for blood samples to be taken within 30 days of the flight (including sampling fees and lab test fees – we will send your vets notes and advise on the best dates for you to take Barney to the vets

* Lab fees for veterinary testing

*Required Tick and Tapeworm treatments

*Completion of Part A of the DEFRA paperwork including pre travel veterinary health examination




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Its always worth just bumping up the original thread rather than reposting.


The forum search may turn up about the DIY route of pet shipping. Others on here have done it before. Perhaps have a look at it and see.

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