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Now that's an idea!!


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A US software developer was revealed to have outsourced his job to China, instead spending his workdays surfing the internet.



Apparently the guy did the same thing with a few local companies earning himself Hundreds of thousands of dollars while paying only $50k to the company who did his work for him.


Serious question - do you think the guy is a criminal or a genius or a bit of both?



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Guest Guest66881

A software developer's clever plan to outsource his job to a developer in China and to spend his work days surfing Reddit and watching cat videos was derailed thanks to the digital trail he left behind.

Verizon shares the tale on its security blog. An unnamed U.S. company using Verizon as its Internet service provider (ISP) asked for Verizon’s help in figuring out why a user based in China was establishing a VPN connection to their network on a daily basis.

They assumed it was a hacker. A digital investigation revealed that not to be the case.

The suspected hacker was connecting to the network using credentials that belonged to “Bob,” a software developer in his mid-40s that Verizon describes as an “inoffensive and quiet family man.”



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depend if he signed disclosure agreements when he took the contract. I suspect he had a substitution clause in his contract but maybe didnt go through the channels of vetting his substitute.


seems clever but its undemining himself and the people who do the same job. Maybe his company thinks its a good idea and fires him then employs the guy in china. Then all simular companies do the same - bingo he is out of a job.


Same went down in manufacturing and why the UK is having problems now

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