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Get me out of here!!!!


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Cant imagine why we might want to emigrate....


We live about 5 miles away from Blackpool and so you would think we would be used to bad weather. Last night was ridiculous, even by our standards!


The kids have one of those big trampolines - which I couldnt even move an inch 2 days ago due to the amount of rain on it weighing it down. Last night, the wind (seamingly effortlessly) picked it up, span it upside down in the air and threw it 50 foot down the garden!:yes:


Tonight, the winds are meant to be even sronger....better batten the hatches!!!!


Roll on Australia.....

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Guest mutikonka

Well strap yourself in ready for a wild ride because Australian weather isn't so tame either. We're having a pretty wild storm as I write this and I vividly remember the hail storm which left most of the cars on our street looking like they'd been hit by golf balls.


Having said that I still prefer it to England!

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Guest campbellm1



We are from blackpool. weather really is bad today.


where are u going. we are hoping to go to brissy early june



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Guest Lareina

Hi Rach, With you on that one! We have rubbish all over our garden that has blown in from neighbours etc!! I know that in Oz storms can be bad but am sure that it wouldn't be as cold as it is here at the moment! I think we are expected to get snow at some point! speak soon. xx

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Guest SUPERWOMAN !!!!!

I feel the same im in Fife and winter weather here snow/rain/sun/wind all in same day freezing stuck in house with twins!!Please give me some hope to get out of here :-)

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Guest austibeach

Well after 28 years living on the edge of a cliff over looking the Atlantic Ocean, you might think I have seen weather as bad as it gets ; maybe as far as Britain, I have. However, many years ago, whilst stuck in our boken down camper van just north west of Brisbane, we endured a 3 day storm, which was listed as one of top five worst recorded in Australia. We had parked amongst some trees on top of a hill and could see for miles around. After the first night of the storm there were no leaves left on any of the trees.I had spent two days reassuring my wife that everything would be ok, but by the third night I granted permission to panic. I had never seen anything like it, nor would I wish to again. Our van was being continually rocked by the force of the wind and every so often it was being battered by hailstones, some as large as my fist. Lightning was striking like whip cracks, right next to us.

So yes the weather here is terrible ; right now our house is being lashed with winds and rain ; but be prepared, Australian weather can be very extreme ; just how extreme is one of the things nobody mentions much ; mainly perhaps because to the average Aussie it's just normal.



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Guest Angelcake

I second that Superwoman! I'm stuck inside with 22mth old twins and a 4 yr old - all boisterous boys!!





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Guest Lareina

Just thought I would let you all know!....just spoke with my aunty in Melbourne! It rained all day yesterday which she says they all appreciate at the moment and today ( her words)..." it was only 21 degrees so i have had to put my electric blanket on"!!!! What a shame for her!! lol. It seems mad that she feels that this is cold yet if it got this hot in the UK it would be classed almost as a heat wave!! We are not only going for the weather there are a host of other reasons however it is nice to think that whilst you might have a few freak storms you also get a large amount of glorious weather! Get me there!!!:biglaugh:

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Sounds like Oz get their fair share too! We are off to Melbourne, Michelle, hopefully by September (house sale will determine).


Now a ferry has just been grounded off the coast nearby - 14 people airlifted by military helicopters and another 8 stuck on board. Looks like were going to have another crazy night by the Irish Sea!


(Lareina - On the plus side though, I hope we do get snow- so I can act like a 5 year old with the kids tomorrow!)

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