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Travel Insurance =D

Dan Jade

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I went with outbacker insurance. Was around £100 for a year I think, haven't needed it yet, hopefully won't need it!

I'm sure if you google there'll be lots of companies that offer it, maybe try and read some reviews if you're unsure on them.

Think I used moneysupermarket.com to find them.

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I went with holiday safe. After a year they give you the option to renew it whilst overseas for an extra 6 months, but make sure you check what your policy covers as medicare you wont need in oz as if your english you get medicare. I tried claiming on natural diaster and it did not cover this and also missing a flight it only covered it from the UK!

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I went with Outbacker Insurance. I can't remember off the top of my head how much I paid, but I know I paid out a little extra than the normal policy, because I opted to have America included. We are going on our annual vacation to Florida next year, while I'm in Australia, so I added that rather than having to fork out again for one-trip cover! They emailed all the documentation, so while I have a printed copy of everything, I also have access at all times to the policy through my email!


Medicare will give you access to "Limited subsidised health services from Medicare Australia for medically necessary treatment while visiting Australia. This does not cover pre-existing conditions, or treatment that does not require prompt attention." It will also not cover ambulance rides, so make sure your insurance will cover that, as an ambulance ride can be costly!


On a medical note, don't forget to visit the doctors and make sure your injections are up to date - my GP surgery gave me updates of DTP and then a crash course of Hep A and B jabs because I was going to be working on farms, etc and coming into contact with others.

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