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892 visa - struggling to meet requirements


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We have been luckily granted the 163 business owner's visa. My husband will initially need to get a contract job to tide us over financially. Is it possible that the company he goes to work for could sponsor him or is the only route to permanent residency the 892 business visa after 4 years?

It is just that we are struggling to sell the house in UK and one of the terms of the permanent 892 visa is the transfer of assets to Australia. It would be a lot easier for us to rent the house.


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Subject to what the sponsoring State Government requires of you, you might need personal and business net assets of $250k for the 12 months immediately preceding the lodgment of the 892 visa application.


Remember that this is one of the "any 2 from 3" requirements:



So before you jump ship on the 163 => 892 strategy make sure you understand the requirements of the 892 visa.


In answer to your question about employer sponsorship pathways: yes, this is do-able. You could look at a 457 => ENS/RSMS strategy, or straight to an ENS/RSMS permanent residency visa if circumstances allow.


Best regards.

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