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Spouse Visa - Timing Pet, Furniture, Flights and Selling House


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My wifes visa is scheduled to be approved in Feb or March so we are planning the move for April 20th. My CO cannot say anything more than, " if nothing medically or policy changes between now and then, then all will be well"


How do other people go about timing things. We are planning on sending the furniture 6-8 weeks before we leave so start of March and we hoped to put the house on the market in Jan. Thats without the 3 month lead time required to book quarantine space for the dog!!


There is obviously a risk involved, but did people go ahead with all this "pretty" irreversible stuff before getting their visa's in their hands?



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We've just taken the risk. I think my visa was submitted a few weeks after you and its due for a decision in February to April. We're going travelling for 6 months so our stuff was actually picked up by the shipping company on Tuesday :frown: It's a bit scary but we're not due to land in Oz until July so there is plenty processing time spare and my occupation is on the right lists, plus my old employer is multi-national and have said they would take me in the sydney office is they need anyone so I may have a sponsor if I need one. There's lots of maybes in there though! Ultimately, I know I have passed the medical and rule changes are unlikely to come into force before my visa decision date so I think its a calculated risk. If we waited until grant we wouldn't have the travelling time we want. Also, now was a good time to finish up in the UK for us so we've gone for it.


Maybe worth mentioning though that we are not having to sell a house or ship pets and we are only shipping half a 20ft. So, If it does all go pear shaped we'll just fly ourselves back to Europe and get our stuff sent back at some point. Luckily hubby is a dual national so we can stay here.

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Can i just say that is much better to sit in the UK with no furniture than to sit over here. It is much easier to borrow from family/friends at home, especially if you know no-one here. We took the chance and everything worked out well. Get started with animal preparation now. The 180 days is non-negotioable. We ended up with our dog in quarantine for 6 weeks instead of 4 and the costs started to rocket. I would get the rabies vaccine asap.

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Yeah, dog is all being sorted now regarding injections and blood tests. just really concerned about paying £800 for quarantine and £2000 shipping etc when something may go wrong. Really dont want a 10 grand layout without 100% guarantee that it will be accepted. Just wondering if everyone else risked it and paid out.

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Yeah, dog is all being sorted now regarding injections and blood tests. just really concerned about paying £800 for quarantine and £2000 shipping etc when something may go wrong. Really dont want a 10 grand layout without 100% guarantee that it will be accepted. Just wondering if everyone else risked it and paid out.


If you meet the criteria then you will get your visa. Are there any particulr criteria you are worried about? e.g. health issues?


Personally, I am risk averse and in your shoes I probably would just wait to get my visa and then make plans.

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