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Will I qualify


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Hi All

Just a quick question hopefully someone can answer, I have nearly completed a Higher Diploma (level 8) in Occupational Safety & Health. I am just wondering will having the Diploma be enough for me to gain entry to Western Australia or will I first have to get work experience....

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You need to read up on skills assessment for your occupation to find out if it is enough to pass skills assessment first of all. There are only a few occupations in which a skills assessment can be passed without work experience, so might as well check this out first.


If OH&S is one of those occupations (and I suspect it is not), then you need to go to the WA website and see if it has any conditions around sponsorship for this.


My gut feeling is that it probably won't be enough.

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Hi sorry to hijack your thread as I don't have an answer for you eamnic, but I am in a similar situation and wondering if my OH who qualifies with a degree as a nurse in August, would be one of those occupations that may get granted a visa without work experience? or if any one could pass on a site for me to check this out? looked everywhere and cant seem to find one. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks

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Hi sorry to hijack your thread as I don't have an answer for you eamnic, but I am in a similar situation and wondering if my OH who qualifies with a degree as a nurse in August, would be one of those occupations that may get granted a visa without work experience? or if any one could pass on a site for me to check this out? looked everywhere and cant seem to find one. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks


No I don't think so. Nurses have to do a graduate place after they finish their degree don't they?

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Thanks, this is possibly true and what I feared. Oh well another year in sunny Scotland it shall be!! Thanks again


Sorry to disappoint, but you OH will require far more than one yrs work experience. There is a nurses thread on which you will find all the info you require, but you are looking at a minimum of 2 yrs before you get sponsorship unless the OH is able to get onto a graduate program in oz, but these are highly sought after. Depending on age you could try for a WHV, but the nurse will need to be registered in oz first. For PR visa the OH will need at least 5 yrs experience. Hope that helps

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