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hi peps

can anyone tell me what medicals for children consist off as my husbands ex wife will not leave the children have them .

i thought if i could put her mind at rest she may change her mind do they have to have bloods done any advice please


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hiya, it depends on their ages. If they are under 12 it is very straight forward. They just have a general checkup like the health visitor would do. They check height, weight, (I took red books and they took them out of this) checked in ears, mouth, listened to chest, checked eyes, if they are old enough they have to read a few letters on the sight chart. Tummy felt and I think that's about it. All non-invasive and my children aged 6, 5, 18mnths and 3 months were all ok and didn't get upset at all, the drs kept it very relaxed for them, infact my 18 month old thought it was a great game!! If they are over 12 they will need the chest x-ray too and if they are 16 will need blood test. I obviously don't know the circumstances but if you explain that the medicals are non-invasive then I don't see why she should refuse. If she does refuse I believe you can get a stat declaration explaining this although don't know the ins and outs of this.


Hope that helps a bit

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