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AHPRA evidence of CPD.....help


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Hello again!,


For those of you successful AHPRA applicants, please can you tell me (If youcan remember) what documents you supplied as evidence of meeting AHPRA CPDstandard requirements?


I had originally posted supervision sessions, and an print out of all thetraining (mandatory and non mandatory) I had completed in the last two yearsfrom the Trust data base (my Trust no longer provide paper certificates)


How did you show evidence of private study and reflection? Do I really need tosit and write numerous reflective accounts? ...com on I do that in my head lol.


Any advice would be appreciated as iv only got a month to supply this evidenceand I’m almost bald with the stress!



Laura x

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I listed all my post registered training in date order and supplied notarised copies of any training certificates. As long as you meet the required number of hours each year you should be fine. I think there are some long time nurses only supplied the last 5 years worth to prove upto date knowledge.

Hope that helps x

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I listed all my post registered training in date order and supplied notarised copies of any training certificates. As long as you meet the required number of hours each year you should be fine. I think there are some long time nurses only supplied the last 5 years worth to prove upto date knowledge.

Hope that helps x


Hi Rachall thanks for the info, well done on yours!

Did notary just certify the certificates or did they have to witness you signing the listed training dates page too?

Laura x

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Hi Laura

Notary just certified CPD list and the training certificates and yes I would list all 4 years worth Inc mandatory training that often don't get certificates for, I also noted the number of hours each course ran for ie leg ulcer management ran for 2 days + a half day visit to the clinic so I listed that as 17 hrs. I had no problem with AHPRA, however I do think it varies from office to office and how much info you send. I probably sent too much, but then I left nothing to chance.

Hope that helps

Rachel x

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I don't know if you guys have heard of it, but we are being taught to use something called Pebblepad at University for our CPD.


It might not help you for your previous stuff, but it is an online recourse where, you upload everything as and when you do it and then you just print the whole lot off whenever you need it.


I might be telling you stuff that you already know, and I'm sorry if I am.


However, I am finding it a really good way of making sure everything is all up to date. If someone like me is just starting out, then it might be worth a look. X

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Hey Rachel, oh thank you! you star. Iv been putting my certificates together, theres a lot of hours in 2009, do you think i should include every certificate that year or just enough to meet 20hrs? That poor notary guys guna kill me when I tell him how much more I need certifying lol.

Which office did you send yours to? Iv sent mine to Perth.

I have read that some people have written up to 6 reflective accounts on training/experiences theyve had, did you do this? I think what with the time scale i'd be suited with doing the same as yourself and just list every training and the hours.

cheers Rachel! (when do you go?, bet your dead excited! :) )


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Hey Rachel, oh thank you! you star. Iv been putting my certificates together, theres a lot of hours in 2009, do you think i should include every certificate that year or just enough to meet 20hrs? That poor notary guys guna kill me when I tell him how much more I need certifying lol.

Which office did you send yours to? Iv sent mine to Perth.

I have read that some people have written up to 6 reflective accounts on training/experiences theyve had, did you do this? I think what with the time scale i'd be suited with doing the same as yourself and just list every training and the hours.

cheers Rachel! (when do you go?, bet your dead excited! :) )



Hi Laura

I listed all of my hours as like you, in my first year after uni I did a lot of training. I didn't write any reflections, they're not interested in those, thankfully!

I sent mine to Sydney as I have a job offer there, so had no choice, but it didn't take long.

I had the notary chap certify 91 docs, he certainly had hand cramp by the time he finished but it only cost me £50 for the lot.

Just waiting for the house to sell, but fingers crossed it won't be too long and then I'll be off, hoping it will be early new year. Must admit to some nerves now.

Keep us posted on your progress

Rachel x

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Ah thanks Rachel! youve made me a lot less worried. Wow im excited for you! im sure youl be fine once you settle in your job and new surroundings, its very big adventure! hope all goes well for you. I'l keep you up dated. if I see another email requiring further documents I think I might cry. lol

Laura x

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