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WA SS Offlist Nomination - Job Offer


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Hi Guys, I hope someone could shed some light on this for us.


We were hoping for SS from WA, but OH's occupation is now on Schedule 2 which requires him to have a job offer to meet WA's criteria for state nomination.


Whilst we are waiting for TRA assessment, we have been applying to employers for sponsorship. My OH has had a good response from employers saying they can offer him a position once he has as visa, which is really positive, but does not help with sponsorship at the moment.


If we were to speak to one of the sponsors and ask them to put a job offer in writing, do you think this would suffice to meet the WA nomination criteria? Surely, it cannot be as easy as that? I can see this system being open to abuse.


Any help greatly received. Thanks Lorraine

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It seams that if you require a job offer to get off-list nomination, this would be to show WA that even though your occupation is not on their list you would be able to get a job and your occupation is in demand in WA.


Many employers dont want to go through all the hoops to be a sponsor but do require people, this is why GSM exists.


Even if you had more than one job offer and put both letters in with your application this would show that you would have no trouble getting work in your nominated occupation.


Give it a go - good lick I know its been a struggle for you to get this far.:biggrin:

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Thanks very much for the replies and help.


You are soo right Hon. Husband has had very positive replies to our application letters saying we would be more than happy to offer a job, but not sponsorship. Now that I know I am not "making a mountain out of a molehill" I will give it a go. I just worry if something is too simple in this game, I must be doing something wrong:biggrin:


Thanks Again.

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