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Perth single friends wanted ;)

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Hi everyone,


I know it might look funny but I'm looking for single blokes to go for drinks Friday and Saturday nights.

After splitting with my wife I realised that I don't have single male friends that I can go for night out. Most of people I am in contact with are good family members with kids and obligations. :biggrin: While I'd like get together with people who have time and easy to do things they want. :biggrin: Don't get me wrong, I am not a gay, I love women ;)) I just need company to spend time with. :))


So, if someone in the same position let me know and we can get together. :biggrin:

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Hi mate.

I'm not single but there's a few of us lads go out drinking, in and around perth. Its usualy on a fri night but some weeks a sat too, every other week. Were all in our 30's and from the uk and like to enjoy a social drink.

If u fancy join us one weedend.

pm me and we'll sort it out.


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