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Can't believe it's actually starting to happen...


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Well after nearly a year of talking about it, we're actually beginning the process of lodging the visa for me to move to Australia with Marky. We're hoping to lodge either next month or the month afterwards. I'm so excited!


The first step has already been taken... taking my doggy Maisy to the vet for her rabies vaccination. Blood work in a few weeks and then she'll start the 150 day count down!


Looked at the pile of evidence paper work today and carefully tucked it back away to organise it another day... so much paper work! I'm really concerned we won't have enough evidence of a continuing relationship as Mark was in Australia for the first two years of our relationship, and I don't have much online records of us talking, no phone accounts or anything because we talked almost entirely on Skype. Sigh, any help on that would be appreciated.


Just wanted to share in case anyone else is about to lodge too! :chatterbox:

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Best of luck! i cant really help with the relationship bit but when we were about to apply for a visa i was terrified we wouldnt have enough evidence because we hadnt lived together fulltime for almost a year and lots of people told me its amazing what sort of evidence you can find that will help that you wouldnt even consider. I assume there must be quite a lot of australia/uk relationships where they havent lived in the same country together at first. maybe there will be some members who can help,gothic rose and thorn would of been good people to talk to.


If you dont have enough evidence the now how long would you have to wait for? good luck with maisy's vet tests

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Guest melanie79

good luck with your journey! im still shell shocked that my visa was granted after only 11 weeks, i had anticipated 18 months plus! so make sure you have all your documents ready to go go for when you get that wonderful email telling you that you have a case officer allocated to your visa application!!!! mel

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