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We have a 175 visa, now what?


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Hi, I'm hoping someone may be able to help us. We have a visa for Oz and leave at the end of November. What I am struggling with is what we have to do between now and when we arrive in Oz. I have brought a couple of books about emigration and all that entails but all they seem to tell me is either how to get a visa or what to do once we have arrived in Oz. Does anyone know of any books that would explain what we have to do whilst still in the UK? Or have any helpful tips? So far my list includes flights (booked), set up Oz bank accounts (done), get records from Dr and dentist, get credit checks / references from our UK banks but what else......I have awful visions of us turning up at border control and them sticking us straight back on the plane cos we don't have the right documents. Help please!

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first congratulations on getting your visa, where are you going to live?

second, there are posts on here im sure about TO DO lists

have you got short term accommodation sorted - try looking at stayz.com

what about work?

car rental always cheaper to sort before you get there, try the rental compare sites such as vroomvroom

make sure your passports are upto date

start de cluttering at home, closing down all those stupid cards you have

do you need any medications - if so you can get/bring in at least a 3 month supply


transfer money into your account - i used moneycorp


to get into the country all you need is your passport with your visa inside it

hope this helps

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