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Anyone moving back to Cornwall?


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We moved back to Cornwall, in a round about way via Vancouver and then the Peak District. I love Cornwall and Devon, we still have our house there happily renting it out. Would love to be back there but will love it even more when we can move back there mortgage free!


The only times I didn't enjoy it was when I wanted to go to the beach and couldn't get a parking space in high summer. I tried about 4 or 5 different beaches then gave up and went home! If I'd been a little more determined I could have persevered and gone to a secret beach (one they don't tell the grockels about!).


I make pasties on a regular basis here, he he in fact I have some ready to bake for morning tea at work tomorrow! Miss the weather, the moorland, the coastline (because it isn't all about beaches), the seaside villages, clotted cream, horse riding on the beach, fantastic friends etc. I have lived on and off in Cornwall for 6 out of the last 10 years, and when we go back to the UK in a few more years it will either be Cornwall or Devon. I wish I had the same options career-wise there but who knows, I may be lucky and someone might be able to restart a mine properly there. It would be pretty glorious for the whole region if mining could start up there properly, still so much left in the ground....

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Ah, we are leaving Cornwall on weds to head to Melbourne!! Love Cornwall, but time for a bit of an adventure for a few years. Love sennen, we are just outside helston xxx

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How much longer are you in Kalgoorlie four corners?? Surely you must be loaded by now!!


He he, well we've only been here a year this time round. But yes the place is treating us well, we're finding we don't have to try too hard to save money and the exchange rate is great for paying down our mortgage in the UK. But it's not just about cash, it's so much better for our careers here, when we go back we'll both be seniors and be able to get good jobs with consultancies, or even set up our own business.

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