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Handed in Partner Visa 820 today in person at Brisbane


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Hi Everyone just thought I would share my experience with you all. I handed my 820 partner visa in person today in Brisbane after extensively worrying for weeks on end about it. I put 3 stat decs inc 10 pages from me and my wife each, several tons of Facebook screenshots, conversations, emails sent, booking confirmations & receipts in our names, tenancy agreements, marriage certs etc etc identity docs, medical check, UK police check, photos of each other.


It was very nerve wracking handing the application in. I went to the reception and was told to come back later and we did and just handed it to a person over the counter. The person didn't really know much about the process which didn't help me at all. Overall my mind has been and still is filled with trepidation. I also applied for work rights on a bridging visa and hopefully that will come through, but I'm not sure as the person put it in my folder with my main 820 application.

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