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How often do States update their Occupation lists?


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Hi all


I am wondering when individual States update their occupation lists? Is it once a year, twice a year, or can it be more often?


Having applied and been succesfully granted a skills assessment for my occupation from VETASSESS at the end of June, I was very disappointed to find that my occupation was closed when ACT published their new list as of July (ACT was the only state it was open on prior to July). My husband's occupation is open with them though (Sports Administrator), however I am reluctant to spend another $700 only to find that it is possible that his occupation could be removed at any time.


I am hoping that my occupation may reappear at some point next year somewhere (Public Relations Professional) but I imagine it is not likely.


Thanks in advance!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Emma!!!


My profession is also P.R Professional!! W.A is monthly though they have not done so for the month of September, Victoria has revised it's list on 1st sept unfortunately we r not there eisther!!!:mad:So we wait.... am hopeful they will revise by January! fingers crossed...

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