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Everything posted by Florenty

  1. Hii Isolate, I replied to her email directly and attached the requested docs then logged on to my immi a/c and uploaded there as well. Once done I clicked the 'request complete' tab. My application status then changed from ' Documents Requested' to 'Application being processed'....
  2. Hii MiM... GSM Adelaide Team.. Hopefully preety soon you should be getting that email...Kirstyj..hang in there... Being in limbo is the worst I knw!! One day closer....
  3. Hiii All, Got my visa today!! Its been 57 days.... so my timeline I applied on 09/10.. CO asjed for more info on 05/11. I sent on 06/11. Visa grant on 04/12. Its been one looooong journey! We are headed off to Melbourne... Keep at it...its well worth the wait, nail biting and the 2am email checks..... Cheers!
  4. Hiii Joji, Ooh super....just frontload everything medicals/PCC's etc....also fill the 'exciting' form 80! Yea the waiting & anxiety is what kills you slowly! Then the days just drag-by.... Great...atlst yours is also moving along..... Cheers!
  5. Hey Joji, Did you finally get an invite in Oct/Nov??
  6. Hii All, I applied on 09.10.2015; Got assigned my case officer on 05.11.2015 so 27days....they requested for additional info. Sent it through...sooo just waiting....n more waiting....
  7. Hii Everyone... C.O was assigned on 5/11...asked for more info sent on 06/11. Still waiting.. 7working days ending next wk Tue 17/11......fingers & eyebrows crossed..
  8. Hello All! Just received my invite for 189... finally! 1 step further n closer....
  9. Hiii! Dear All, just got my invite...yeey! Submitted my EOI on 7th Sept with 65pts.
  10. Hiii Stablemav / Joji Did you get your invites? Submitted all your docs? Medicals done? I got my positive results yesterday...!! :smile: yes missed the September invite....but am still syked...so October it is for me... yeey! One step closer... Hola back...
  11. Hey... Yes with 70...that invitation should be coming through in Sept. Super...I will send a chaser 1st week of Sept when I hit week 10...fingers crossed. I have family in Melbourne hence the decision.. which would of-course be of great help in settling etc...at the beginning.... My points; Age - 30, Qualifications & experience - 25, Ielts - 10 (Am thinking of trying PTE to see if I can get the additional 10 pts).
  12. Hiii Stablemav, That is great super fantastic news! :smile: Am sure you will get the invitation for September...! Yeey! I am now winding up on week 8....nothing so far.... I was thinking I wait till I clock 10 weeks then send a chaser...what do you think?? Quick query if you don't mind...they sent the results to your address?.. I know they have stated they don't give results via emails or on the phone... The nail biting continues!:confused:
  13. Hey Joji, Planning to go to Melbourne... would prefer there...however also depends on how fast one lands a job sooo am open.... Week 6! The waiting does not get any easier..thank God works keeps me busy...sometimes I don't notice the week flying by! Hopefully I can make it to the October round...
  14. Sorry Joji, Hadn't read the earlier threads..vetasses...! Atleast the wait is over for you....September round hopefully you sail through...
  15. Hey Joji! Welcome to the WCM Boat! Super...which assessment body assessed you? ACWA / Vetassess? Timeline?....
  16. Hii Stablemav... Did you see the updated occupation ceilings for our group...3 people so far have received the 189 visa...so we still have 1,407 slots left!! Lol! My points so far are 65...how many do you guyz have if I may ask? I think you should be receiving your results anytime now...so you may in the running for the September round... I am on week 5 now ( but who is counting!:smile:)
  17. Hiii!! I trsut you & your wife are keeping well... My apologies for the late response...yes I checked...eventually I called and they confirmed they received! I followed up with additional documents like contracts and payslips etc... So now its the waiting.....DIBP are yet to release the results for the July invitation round...seeing as how we know have an occupation ceiling of 1,410! If you guyz are already in week 11 and nothing....I shouldn't complain about my small 3 weeks of waiting! LoL!
  18. Thanks Angie! I will have to keep the anxiety at bay.... Great feedback..will keep up the morale! :smile:
  19. Hii.. Good to have someone on the same boat!! Yes I applied for Full assessment; Work Experience and Qualifications.. My fingers are also crossed I have a degree in Sociology and 5 years experience so am hoping the same....
  20. Hi All, How is ACWA an as assessment body....submitted my paperwork on 01.07.2015....so far no feedback, no acknowledgement...nothing...am hoping by the 8-10week waiting period they will have said something! LOL! I sent all the documents required on the list...was wondering do I send additional documents that were not requested for but are relevant e.g...Employment contracts and payslips as proof of experience just to boost my application...??? anyone who has gone through the process..would really appreciate your insight and experience...
  21. Hii Angie, I just applied to ACWA for assessment on Welfare Centre Manager....however so far no communication..no email no acknowledgement...etc...they indicated 8-10wks assessing period..so I guess its going to be a loooong wait...Were you assessed by them or VETASSESS??? How was it for you? I sent all the docs they requested for......fingers & eyebrows crossed... All the best of luck...!!!
  22. Hey Emma!!! My profession is also P.R Professional!! W.A is monthly though they have not done so for the month of September, Victoria has revised it's list on 1st sept unfortunately we r not there eisther!!!:mad:So we wait.... am hopeful they will revise by January! fingers crossed...

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    <p><p>Welcome.. drop a message & I will hola back ASAP...Cheerio!!</p></p>

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