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Aussie adventure about to start


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Well folks, its been a long hard 6 and a bit months since applying for the job in Australia that I was eventually offered and accepted, but I am now a mere 10 days away from embarking on the next chapter in my life.


Shippers were booked yesterday, flights have been booked for a few weeks now and excitement is starting to build.


Some of our lovely furniture was sold and picked up yesterday and me and the missus got a bit sad to see it go, but we know that it is the start of moving onto bigger and better things.


Shed and loft cleared out today so we have a weekend of decluttering big style to do along with multiple trips to the tip to chuck stuff, and the in-laws to put stuff in their garage that we don't want to take (at the moment) and don't want to bin or sell.


I am flying out with our son (10) on the 3rd Sept from Heathrow and start my new job the following week. The company I'm working for are putting us up in a motel for a couple of weeks to give me time to find accommodation. My missus and our daughter will arrive at the end of October once our dog can fly so its gonna be a hard couple of months without her (not being sarcastic !!). It will be fun just me and the boy though, and we are both really looking forward to it.


Boy's school has already been sorted so he's taken care of, so just need to find out about after school stuff for him and me to do (play footie etc etc)...maybe get him to drive me round a golf course in a buggy..heh heh !


So that's my story in a nutshell basically. It doesn't come close to explaining the wave of emotions we've gone through over the weeks and months...but we are finally there and all the pieces have come together quite nicely !


Good luck to anyone else about to embark on this adventure, and thank you to each and every one of you that have helped me along the way on here....it really is a massive help and so nice to have people go out of their way to take the time to offer help/advice/support and very much appreciated.


If anyone else is flying out of Heathrow @ 18:30 with Singapore (SQ319) on the 3rd of September then let me know...would be good to meet up with a fellow PIO'er and share stories etc etc over my last (for a long while) good old English beer !!!

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