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Parent Visa Questions...

shirley D

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Do any of you guys over there in Oz have parents that are just about to start the process of The Contributory Parent(Temp) Visa 173?...we are just about to start and it would be great to know other parents who are starting the same application... we have both our lads living out there in Oz..and 2 beautiful Grandsons so if we can get over there that would be brilliant.....any help would be great thank you....:laugh:

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Guest GeorgeD

Hi Shirley D,


Welcome to PIO!


I'm pretty sure there are a number of people in the same situation as you, or have been at some point...there is a large ongoing discussion thread full of like minded souls...details here:


http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/migration-issues/77756-brand-new-pio-parents-visa-thread.html have a read through some of the more recent posts, and feel free to add your own experiences there or anywhere else.

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Hi Shirley,


I just lodged my parents 173 application yesterday, checked aus post this morning and it was delivered at 9.13 this morning!


They are very excited about the prospective move, they have three children and all of us are now living here in Perth - so they are desparate to get over here now!

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Oh wow..how exciting...do they live here in UK?...i didnt realise you could lodge the application form from over there in Oz?..is it easier that way?..


Yes they are still in the UK. It doesn't make a huge difference who lodges it really, as I had to send it by courier, so could just have easily been sent from the UK by courier - was just less expensive for me to send it.


I was back in England in May so I went through all the forms with my parents then and got all the relevant documents from them. The hardest part has been getting all the stuff together from my brother to try and prove that he's been 'settled' for two years.

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Do you know how long after the papers have gone in does the 1st payment have to be paid?



it might help you to read the DIAC guide to parent migration- all you need to know is here





Contents of the booklet; How to get the booklet; Associated forms; Further information. Booklet 3, Parent Migration, has detailed information about migration

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