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Moving to Cleveland what is the commute to the CBD like

Guest aimiclinton

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Guest aimiclinton

We have put an offer in on a house in Cleveland this will be our first home and we dont know a great deal about the area

We are both from the UK have lived here for 7 years (in both Sydney and brisbane renting) but we are not expecting our first baby and want to feel settled so are going to buy a family home

I have some questions regarding areas in Brisbane

We have looked for a year for an area to live in bribane and have been constantly dissappointed and have now settled on cleveland as a lot of english live there and feel it has a nice community feel to it (although dont know a huge amount about the area)


Wondering if anyone can tell us if they commute everyday from cleveland to the city (we have done a test run driving took less than 40 mins and the train 50 mins in rush hour is that normal and is painful everyday


What are the schools like there and do you have to pay fees


Are the parks good for kids


is there much crime


And basically any other information people can tell us as feeling like this is such a huge step actually buying a house over here


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Which areas were you disappointed with and why?


I've only been to Cleveland at the weekends, but I used to work with a guy who commuted form there to where I work, which is just by the airport. He used to say his journey in took about 40 minutes, on average.


I must say you're quite brave putting in an offer on a house _before_ you're sure the area is right for you. But I guess if you've been here 7 years then you've probably got a good feel for the place.


Hope all goes well.

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Wondering if anyone can tell us if they commute everyday from cleveland to the city (we have done a test run driving took less than 40 mins and the train 50 mins in rush hour is that normal and is painful everyday




I believe it is, we looked at Cleveland but settled on the Gold Coast as we like a bit more stuff going on, and the commute isn't much longer from where we live at Hope Island.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest MissionPossible

Hi. Trolling through this forum and saw your post so joined up to reply. It's been 2 weeks since your post so by now you would have either bought the house or not. If you have congratulations, you will have the privilege of living in a very special part of Brisbane. The whole of Bayside is a wonderful place to live and bring up kids. Like you say, the whole area has a nice community feel to it. You will love the bay, beaches, parks, open spaces, outdoor activities, fresh air, and a laid back lifestyle. You will not like it if you're single and want to go clubbing every night after work. It's just not that sort of a place. Traveling to CBD is very convenient and straight forward but being 25 kms away, it will take those times that you have already experienced. Don't know which street you'll be in but generally crime does happen but is no more than anywhere else. There are plenty of very good state and private schools in the area. Google Cleveland, Victoria Point, Ormiston and Wellington Point State Schools, they are all good. For private schools, google Ormiston College, Sheldon College and Redlands College which all ranks among the best in Brisbane. They are very hard to get in though. While you can shop for groceries in Cleveland, you will do a lot of everyday type shopping in Victoria Point 10 mins away, Capalaba 10 mins away for all your home improvement, commercial, light industrial stuff and Carindale which is 20 mins away where you can literally get lost in a mega Westfield Mall (I did). You want to know what the lifestyle feels like, go to the parks and beaches at the end of Wellington, Cleveland and Victoria Points on Sunday. There are some nice restaurants at Raby Bay Marina. I forget the name of one of the cafes there but they serve one of the best espresso I have ever tasted. The beans are freshly roasted on site. If you want to keep in touch with the local news, trade contacts, and specials, go to Bayside Bulletin or Redland Times Online. Sign up and they will email you a copy of the e-papers every week. Good luck with your house hunting.

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