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Short Term rental/accomodation in Melbourne?


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I have been looking on every website I can think of, google or have read about on here. My husband and I are looking to get a double/twin room for the first month or maybe more when we get to Melbourne whilst we sort out jobs. Our budget is very small as we dont want too touch our savings too much before we actually find work. I know from when I came over in April that you can get shared accommodation etc for under $300 a week but it seems impossible to find anything that I can book for that price from this country. Does anyone know of anything available from 3rd October?


Any ideas would be much appreciated.

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unfortunately you'll find it difficult to find something cheap especially short term

one way i suggest is booking a cabin on one of the camp grounds in melbourne

i think you'll have to use your savings

we have booked a beach side house for just shy of $2000 for one month in mt martha, what the hell i said just do it

im not sure about shared houses in Oz, try suburbview its a good website and shows what shared house are avialable


id do shared but my wife wont

good luck

we arrive on Nov 7th ready for the summer yehaaa

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Thank you for replies. Think it looks like I will have to give in and up my budget a bit :) I have found hotel/backpacker place that will do it for $420 a week. I know I can get a room for $330 a week literally down the road from this hotel as it is where I stayed for 5 months in 2005 and thats the price they charge now. But not sure hubby will be too happy with me as it is very backpackery (not a real word I know) and at 31 and 34 I cant see him being too impressed...hehe!.

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unfortunately, if you are looking for something reasonably civilized and not shared dorms/toilets/showers etc then you are getting into motels/hotels/holiday accomodation etc and then prices jump pretty quickly.


Here in the Dandenongs, there are classy B&B's that charge $250.00 a night or more!!!

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Guest The Pom Queen

Does someone have references from this place: http://www.badenpowellhotel.com/Accommodation.aspx ?


I haven't clicked on the link but I think it's the one in Collingwood. To be honest for not a lot more you could probably have your own house/unit which is better when your staying for 4 weeks plus then you can do the laundry/cook etc. It is very basic but if you are looking for a few days it should be fine.

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