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Landlords responsibilities?

Guest Hedwig

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Guest Hedwig

Hi guys


Been lurking for a while now and have learnt a lot so thanks! So I hope someone can help?


We have been living in our rental since we moved to Adelaide in Jan 2012. We have numerous issues with this property each of which we notified the agent about and showed them at each of the 2 inspections we have had. However nothing seems to get done, some quite important. We would like to know if it is a legal requirement for all windows to have locks on them, about half do not and it's a one storey house, also we have a spa that is not enclosed in any way other than a locked garden gate to the whole back garden and the cover is not tied down in any way so is this illegal too? Whilst I appreciate the landlords right to decide on what they want to fix it is very annoying that small problems are not dealt with and are consequently getting worse.


Any advice gratefully received.

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Guest The Pom Queen

I wouldn't have thought having locks on the windows was priority but I'd have a chat with the council about the spa

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Spas come under the same regulation that pools do in terms of fencing, this can include a garden fence providing it meets certain criteria (have a quick google for pool laws in South Australia). You can request the council inspector to come have a look and then plead ignorance to the agent once they get a serve as they're supposed to do random checks anyway.


Locks aren't the landlord's problem - unless you point out that their buildings insurance will probably state that all accessable windows have to have them, mine does, and you'll probably find your contants insurance says the same so you might find yourself without cover in the event of burglary.


You can buy temporary oes that are like little thumb screws in the mean time, they just bolt to your window frame. I have them in my upstairs windows to stop my son openeing them and playing superman off the deck.

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