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Need Help , want to move to oz !

Guest excitedcorky

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Guest excitedcorky

hey there ! .. im new to this so basically my story is, myself and my fiance (im 27 and he is 29) are seriously contemplating moving to oz for a year to experience the whole thing , and we dont have a clue where to start , we are after building a house in ireland and have been living in it with the last 2 years.

obviously we will need to take care of this first but then, its plain sailing so to speak to drive on ! ...

we would be looking to move to a cheap area to live but near to work, im in insurance and admin and my fiance is an electrical engineer,

is this kind of work plentiful ? or would we need to get jobs before we made the move?

where in oz is a cheap area to live and also not too busy as we are used to the countryside ! ..

is it expensive ? .. i have so many questions i dont know where to begin .. all help is greatly appreciated !

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Have you ever been to Oz? Its probably worth looking at what States you could get state sponsorship in and work from there. Think about the knid of climate you want and whether you want to be inland or near the beach etc, its a huge country and there is a lot to choose from.


I would warn you though its not cheap but this would be offset once earning dollars rather than on the euro. There are plenty of threads on here about cost of living etc which might help.

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If you want to go for a year I'd look at a WHV for you both. Cheapest and easiest option. So long as you don't have children as no dependants allowed on a WHV.

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Guest excitedcorky
Have you ever been to Oz? Its probably worth looking at what States you could get state sponsorship in and work from there. Think about the knid of climate you want and whether you want to be inland or near the beach etc, its a huge country and there is a lot to choose from.


I would warn you though its not cheap but this would be offset once earning dollars rather than on the euro. There are plenty of threads on here about cost of living etc which might help.


Thanks for reply, no we have never been to oz ! ... and what do you mean to get sponsorship , do we have to do this ?!


as for the climate , the cooler i think the better !!! ... we would prefer to live in a quieter setting as we are used to the countryside in ireland.

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Guest excitedcorky
Welcome to PIO.


Do you have children - have you been to Australia before on a WHV.


Maybe this might be the best place to start - see if you like Australia, and maybe get a sponsorship to stay. The GSM process is long and expensive.


Thanks for the welcome ! ..


No we dont have children, never been to australia,


im confused when people say to get a sponsorship to stay, what does this entail and is this compulsory ?! what is a gsm !! ..

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Guest excitedcorky
If you want to go for a year I'd look at a WHV for you both. Cheapest and easiest option. So long as you don't have children as no dependants allowed on a WHV.


thats true, but then are we thinking should we have work lined up before we go there , it would take a while to settle im thinking , as in to get to know the areas etc, which are in australia is the cheapest to live and work in?!

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Guest shaunaforoz



If you want to move for a year and see how you get on out there a Work Holiday Visa (WHV) is the best way to go as you are both under 30. You just apply for it, now sure how much it costs but i dont think it is any more than a couple of hundred euro.


Once you are over 30 you would need to be sponsored by an Australian company or State to move to Australia, or have your occupation on CSOL List one for an independent visa. Basically the rules changed on July 1st of this year and some occupations were removed from the list but essentailly Oz put up a list of occupations that the whole country needs (CSOL1) and then the individual states can state occupations that they specifically need (these are the state sponsored occupations and can be found on the individual state websites).


As you are both under 30 and if you have no children and have never gone to Oz on a work holiday visa that would be your best route.


Good Luck

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thats true, but then are we thinking should we have work lined up before we go there , it would take a while to settle im thinking , as in to get to know the areas etc, which are in australia is the cheapest to live and work in?!


Without the correct visa it will be very hard to just line up a job before you go. Most companies are not going to want to sponsor you if you only intend on going for a year.


A WHV makes sense to me for you both as a) its cheap and quick to get and b) means you can work from the off when you arrive and if you do 3 months regional work you can gain a second year on it. So if you like it and want to stay a bit longer, you can do so easily enough.


Any other visa route I don't see as really be compatible for wanting to go for a year to see what its like. The others are expensive and reading what you are saying right now, don't sound what you are really looking for.


The beauty of a WHV is you can travel round, see a bit of Aus, find places you like and stay a while and so on.

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Thanks for reply, no we have never been to oz ! ... and what do you mean to get sponsorship , do we have to do this ?!


as for the climate , the cooler i think the better !!! ... we would prefer to live in a quieter setting as we are used to the countryside in ireland.


I didn't read that you wanted to go for a year, WHV is your best option and tour around to see the country as there is a lot to it.

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Guest excitedcorky

Thank you very much for your help !! ... this sounds like the best plan alright ! ... just need to figure out the place to head to first to settle !

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