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Work experience question (CPA) - Help


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Hi All,

I received email from my agent this morning stating that I have received invitation for my 190 visa.

One Question regarding this.

When I got my skills assessed by CPA I had to do the Accounting Theory exam. Because of doing the exam, CPA would not comment on my work experience as they deem me to only qualify post doing their exam. I do have a number of years experience in a large multinational company. I see from my EOI that my agent has claimed 10 points for my work experience. This has given me 70 points in total including my 5 points for SS.

I questioned this with my agent and they said that they would not be submitting the letter regarding my work experience from the CPA and that my employer reference letter detailing my years of experience would be sufficient. They also said that the invitation I received will be based on the VIC SS and since I received sponsorship I shouldn't be worried about CPA not recognizing my experience. If I didn't have the 10 points for the work experience I would then have had 60 points which is enough for 190 visa.

Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.


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It is true that whatever CPA says has no standing when it comes to the DIAC - they are the ones deciding. Do you have a degree in Accounting? Why would your Agent even claim 70 points when you only need 60 - it only increases the burden of proof on your end.

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Eek, I'd be a bit worried ... I got CPA to do my skills assessment and luckily they passed me but they only signed off part of my work experience so to play it safe, I only claimed 3 years rather than the 5 I should be able to count when I lodged my visa.


However, CPA themselves state that they provide the assessment for guidance only and it's not really official so it is really down to how the DIAC judge your experience.


To be honest, as you're going the 190 route, I'd play it safe and not count the work experience as you don't need the extra points, you won't be bumped up the list with them.

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Thanks all for your responses. I'm thinking it's too late to change my EOI now as I've already received my invitation to lodge? I think the agent is confident I will be ok on my work experience as I have seven years and claiming for five and I have a good reference from a large multi-national company. I hope it's going to be ok

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Too late for that.



Yes, sorry OP, I hadn't realised the EOI had been completed and the invitation was received.


Good luck with the application, I'm sure it'll be fine, the agent should know what they're doing and are bound to have been through this situation before. Let us know how it all goes :smile:

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CPA didn't recognise my work experience either as I also had to sit for the paper on "Accounting Theory" and they said that I became academically qualified only after clearing the paper.


You should be okay with the employer reference letters. Under skill select, advice from CPA is only recommendatory.

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