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Secondary 457 to PR


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hi guys,


I'm the secondary applicant on my partner's 457, and I was wondering, what are my options to get pr independently? that is, taking my boyfriend and any employers out of the equation. can I just apply for pr myself after having worked a certain amount of time? I'm not on the sol schedule one, but on the csol schedule 1 and 2...


also, if my boyfriend goes for pr (either sponsored by his employer or independently), and I become the secondary applicant on that as well, is my visa again dependent on his, like it's on the 457? or will I then have full pr status, independent of any change in circumstances?






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The options for you to get PR if not employer sponsored and you occupation is on the CSOL Schedulal 2 (SOL and CSOL schedual 1 are the same), you will require State Nomination, and apply for 190 visa. What is your occupation. You would require to get a positive skills assessment and IELTS for extra points before you would be able to lodge EOI and apply for State Nomination. Your occupation will need to be on the States Migration Plan, you should check this before you move forward with this route.


If your boyfriend was to get PR and you were on his application, one the visa was granted, you would have PR. Your visa would not be linked to you boyfriends. But if the changes in cicrumstances was before the visa was granted, then you would be removed from the application. To be a defacto on a PR application require more defacto evidence than is required for 457 visa.

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thanks for your advice, that was really helpful! I'll look into it! i'm an events organiser, so it's rather difficult lol found it on only to smp :/


you might also know this, if my boyfriend was to get pr under the rsms, does that mean he's gotta stay in regional australia for a certain amount of time? and does that again apply to me?

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IF your boyfriend gets employed under the RSMS he needs to work for the employer for 2 years. Not sure if that also applies to you - but you need to show you are in a defacto relationship for your application.


Events Organiser may be a difficult 1 to get state sponsorship for - therefore employer sponsorship may be the better option.

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