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NSW - SS obtained, wait time for EOI?


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Hi Folks,


obtained my NSW SS in early July and EOI in on the 12th of July. I believe I get an automatic invitation to apply, but does anyone know how long one would be waiting on average for the invite?





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Have you updated NSW with your EOI id, until you do this you wont be able to be invited. But DIAC have only given the states a set number of invitations and until they relase some more to the states they are not able to sent out more invitations.



I wasn't aware of this? Does this go for all other states? I will be applying for SA SS.

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I wasn't aware of this? Does this go for all other states? I will be applying for SA SS.

From the OP timeline - they got the SS before they lodged the EOI, therefore applied to NSW before 1 July and EOI was in place. SA requires you to lodge your EOI before you apply for State Nomoinateion, as you are requires to provide your EOI id in your application.

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Yeah, NSW have the EOI id, it has only been 4 weeks. Not overly worried, it could be the set number of invitations you mentioned. Any idea on the frequency of these?



Not sure hopefully they should release more soon - but due to the Outage on the DIAC application system, no applications are able to be lodged until 11 Aug, I think only a small number has been released to start to see how the system is going to cope?? It should be soon hopefully in the next few weeks.

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From the OP timeline - they got the SS before they lodged the EOI, therefore applied to NSW before 1 July and EOI was in place. SA requires you to lodge your EOI before you apply for State Nomoinateion, as you are requires to provide your EOI id in your application.



okay, which I have already done, and so when I apply for SA SS I must provide them with my EOI.


ok got that.

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