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Moving to Newcastle nsw in 5 weeks


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Hi all ... Apologies as I am totally new to this site we are moving to Newcastle NSW in 5 weeks and now the nerves and excitement are taking hold hubby will be based in berresford so we will be looking to put down roots in the Newcastle area or a 30 minute drive away ... When we land the company have organised rented accommodation for 6 weeks approx so my job is to find us a home and sort out schools .... What I would be grateful of is any information on areas around Newcastle to look at hubby drove through Eleebana when he was there in February but didn't have much time to look at any other areas .....


Any advice would be appreciated ..... From a very excited but also terrified Becci x:chatterbox:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Leebecs, I moved to newcastle nsw 3 week ago and have been doing LOTS of driving around the different suburbs! It looks like beresford is in sydney? Is that right? If yeh sydney is about 2 hours away from newcastle. If ive got it right and u still want info on newcastle then this is what ive found:


Good areas:

Merewether, adamstown, adamstown heights, cooks hill, warners bay.


Best website is realestate.com.au


We've chosen adamstown heights because its nice, close to everything and has good commuting times for me and my partner (partner works in williamstown)

There is a group on facebook called expats in the hunter and i asked on there about areas in newcastle and there are lots of replies to it. Be worth u joining and having a look xx

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Hi Leebecs, I moved to newcastle nsw 3 week ago and have been doing LOTS of driving around the different suburbs! It looks like beresford is in sydney? Is that right? If yeh sydney is about 2 hours away from newcastle. If ive got it right and u still want info on newcastle then this is what ive found:


Good areas:

Merewether, adamstown, adamstown heights, cooks hill, warners bay.


Best website is realestate.com.au


We've chosen adamstown heights because its nice, close to everything and has good commuting times for me and my partner (partner works in williamstown)

There is a group on facebook called expats in the hunter and i asked on there about areas in newcastle and there are lots of replies to it. Be worth u joining and having a look xx



Hi helen


Thankyou for the information it's much appreciated ... It is Newcastle where hubby will be based I got a tad muddled .... I will be doing lots of driving too need to secure a home and look at schools for the boys so thank you so much for the information ... Hope you are enjoying your ne life 4 weeks and we will be there .... Take care Becci x

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Hi Leebeccs, very excited for you, and for us as we will just be a few weeks behind you! We arrive in Newie in 10 weeks! We thought about Eleebana and Warners Bay, good schools for our kids but I think we are looking topwards Jewells or Redhead as we'd love to be by the sea if we can afford it. The nice areas mentioned by Helen are out of our price range due to the poor house market and the low Pound to the Dollar! Avoid Islington and the area nearby apparently (According to older posts on PIO I researched). Expats in the Hunter fbook page is great, very nice folk all very helpful. They seem to get out to socialise a lot which is great, would love to come along sometime. All the very best to you for your move. Can't believe that after all this time I am saying, be there soon! I can actually feel the butterflies! WooHoo! S x

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