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Nurses- I need AHPRA help


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Hi All


I have just got together all my references for my skills assessment and I have a few questions re registration


My last two posts have been with PCTs and PCTs will be gone in March 2013- my last two bosses are going through the latest MARS scheme and will be gone in October; I know I will need to get anything I need from them pronto.


So my question is what do AHPRA ask for? Is it much different than ANMAC people? I got the old bosses to do my reference and basically it was a print out of my job description with a bit at the bottom saying i was competent and had been observed to be competent- will this be enough for AHPRA?


Also will I need anything from HR as I will need to get it quick before everyone leaves and the PCTs go!


Also my current post (health improvement) doesn't require me to be a nurse and my line manager is not a nurse so will i be screwed for AHPRA when I need a reference from the current post?


Thanks everyone



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Hi All


I have just got together all my references for my skills assessment and I have a few questions re registration


My last two posts have been with PCTs and PCTs will be gone in March 2013- my last two bosses are going through the latest MARS scheme and will be gone in October; I know I will need to get anything I need from them pronto.


So my question is what do AHPRA ask for? Is it much different than ANMAC people? I got the old bosses to do my reference and basically it was a print out of my job description with a bit at the bottom saying i was competent and had been observed to be competent- will this be enough for AHPRA?


Also will I need anything from HR as I will need to get it quick before everyone leaves and the PCTs go!


Also my current post (health improvement) doesn't require me to be a nurse and my line manager is not a nurse so will i be screwed for AHPRA when I need a reference from the current post?


Thanks everyone




Practice hours are recognised if evidence is providedto demonstrate:

a) the nurse or midwife held a valid registration with

a nursing or midwifery regulatory authority in the

jurisdiction (either Australian or overseas) when

the hours were worked, or

b) the role involved the application of nursing and/or

midwifery knowledge and skills, or

c) the time was spent undertaking postgraduate

education leading to an award or qualification

that is relevant to the practice of nursing and/or


4. Extended time away from practice due to illness or

any type of leave will not be counted as practice.


Practice means any role, whether remunerated or not, in

which the individual uses their skills and knowledge as

a nurse or midwife. For the purposes of this registration

standard, practice is not restricted to the provision of

direct clinical care. It also includes working in a direct nonclinical

relationship with clients, working in management,

administration, education, research, advisory, regulatory or

policy development roles, and any other roles that impact

on safe, effective delivery of services in the profession and/

or use their professional skills.


APHRA recency of practice standard.


You need a statement of service from your employer stating the number of hours per week you have worked in the past 5 years, which service area/roles you have worked in and your role description etc. Did your Health Development require you to be a registered nurse when applying and have you attended mandatory nurse study days eg infection control?


Have a look at your job description and see how it translates across the nursing skills?

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