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Activating visa possibilities?


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Hi all,


My husband and I are beginning to look into our options for activating our visa within the next 10 months.


We have a couple of options:


1) Fly to Perth (our visa is WA state sponsored) and spend a week or so here.

2) Fly to Brisbane and stay with OH's family for a week.

3) Do a combination of Perth/Brisbane.


We really want to keep costs down - we know we'll have all the time in the world to appreciate the country once we move for good. We like the first option as flights appear cheaper and a shorter flight time, but we would then need to find some reasonable accommodation(any suggestions?)


But if we go to Brisbane we could atleast stay with family.


The final option would be ideal but most costly.


Any suggestions, ideas to keep costs down? We really want to save all the pennies we can for the big move in a couple of years!



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