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This is probably a stupid question but does anybody know the difference between a NZ and OZ medical? when i did a quick search there only seems to be extra blood tests for one and a price increase


the reason im asking is because if dave doesnt get the job in perth then we're just going to go straight for the NZ visa and we're wondering if we went and did a medical the now could we use it for either of them? i tried to do a search to see but nothings coming up


hope im making sense!

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Its totally confusing, the perth company said they would deal with the visa and medical if the time comes but theyre not paying anything for me cos we're not married. From what i can see with one company in Glasgow the NZ medical seems to be more expensive than the australian ones i see and theres quite a lot of blood tests - 8 i think? i'll go double check whats required for the australian one. maybe best to wait till tomorrow since im half asleep!

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No you wont be able to use same medical for either visa. NZ has many panal Doctors in Scotland - Australia only place is Spire Shawfair Park, in Edinburgh.


Depending which visa you are applying for - if 457 you wont need a medical unless you have an existing medical condition, or working as a nurse


Aus medical if you do need one as Shawfair Park is £290

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Thanks guys, just need to wait till august and take it from there then! I dont have any medical conditions so dont think i'll need one for oz but from what i can see on our forms we both need one for NZ.


Hopefully be downunder either way by their summer!

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