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What happens at the airport?


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For those of you have already shipped pets can you tell me what to expect at the airport?


I have been informed of her flight time and when to get there. So i just turn up with her in her cat box and then we transfer her to the crate?

She is going from heathrow and the vet meets us there.


Can anyone share their experience of what happened? I like to know what to expect!

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We checked Satch in ourselves (although we'd used an agent for all the arrangements) and it took AGES. She flew Qantas (i think it was QF10) and we had to go to the Freight centre next to LHR and queue up with all the big trucks. We used the waiting time to walk her around and try to get her to pee/poo before we were called.

Then you get called around to check her in and she goes into the box and gets x-rayed by a giant luggage scanner and taken away to the vets bit.

Unfortunately the guy didn't explain everything so we then went around the front to wait (as it turns out there was some more stuff we should have waited to do, but he came and found us). That was the last time we saw her before Melbourne.

Then you wait for ages until all the animals are checked in and are OK'd by the vet and they tell everyone at once it's ok to go.


When I say ages - I mean AGES!!!!! and there are no public toilets in the building so go before you come in and make sure you've brought something to eat and drink.

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We are doing the same, have used a transfer agent but checking in ourselves. So a pet transport company representative wont be at the airport?


Tiggy is on QF010 so I think that's probably same flight times.


I'm such a worrier when it comes to being on time for things and not knowing 100% where i'm going. I am always early but don't want to be over early in this case as my poor cat will be in her box even longer.


thanks so much for replying! With that little insight you have eased my mind a little


Laura :animal-cat:

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