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AQIS customs form help


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We have the shippers dropping off boxes for packing tomorrow and just filling out all the documentation.


Can anyone tell me what happens that end when personal effects are going through customs.


The 'clearning your personal effects' part has me confused. It asks for the name of someone who can clear it.


I have my family out there so my mum can do it for me although when we orignially moved out there (i came back to england and am going again) they didnt have to do it and it just got delivered straight to the door. My question is does someone have to go and sign something to clear it through customs before it is released for delivery?


I thought shipping would be easy compared to my cat!


Laura :biggrin:

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A third party can be nominated to clear your effects for you, this can be the Removal Company you are using so don't worry about having to arrange family to go and sort it.


There is loads of info here about the process http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis/travel/entering-australia/moving-emigrating#how and on this fact sheet http://www.customs.gov.au/webdata/resources/files/UPE_factsheet.pdf by the Australian Customs Service.


Hope that helps?

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