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Question about health check declaration


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Hi. I have an 18 year old for whom we had a private clinical psychology report done in 2004 when he was 10, to support a move to a different school, following his exclusion from his local primary school. We had been waiting on a referral from local NHS provision to confirm whether he has Asperger's but this never came. He moved into his new school and stayed there until last July (2011). He is now holding down an apprenticeship in a local factory, which hasn't been without it's hiccups. In anticipation of having to have a health check done for him (should we be lucky enough to get that far), I engaged with our local GP for advice and support as I had seen other posts where parents had been asked to provide a report detailing cognitive status, ability to live/work independantly, and school reports if necessary. He said he would refer him on to a consultant psychiatrist (in learning disabilities). She has just written back to our GP suggesting an onward referral to an autism/adhd service for diagnosis. This makes me think that he has not be "diagnosed" on file and has left me wondering whether he needs to be - it would certainly stress him out and could do more harm than good. In light of this, I'm trying to found what would happen if I told the GP to hold back on making this referral for diagnosis - for a start, we could be waiting an age for the process to complete. What would happen at his health check if his condition was left undiagnosed, etc.

Thanks, Liza

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As he is 18 and working, he surely would not able to go on your visa anyway?


This doesn't seem like a DIY case to me.




He has Aspergers Syndrome (mild autism) and we would have to submit a case to confirm his dependency upon us, as I understand it

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He has Aspergers Syndrome (mild autism) and we would have to submit a case to confirm his dependency upon us, as I understand it


You need to talk to a registered migration agent. dependents over 18 usually need to be in full time education to qualify.

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You need to talk to a registered migration agent. dependents over 18 usually need to be in full time education to qualify.


We already are with an agent. This has been a controversial area for advice as I have found out already. My point on this thread however was more to do with the fact that the NHS doesn't seem to hold details of formal diagnosis for him as it was never done bythem when he was younger. Just trying to understand how we stand on that as a general rule. The matter of his age and proving dependency is another area for us to consider but we have been told there are ways of proving this and I accept this isn't cut and dry and could go either way. Thanks

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The main issue with disabilities is that if they're disabled enough to need extra help and qualify and dependent, they're often needing too much help to pass the medical. it's a catch22. Not having the diagnosis may actually make it more likely you'll pass the medical hurdle, but then you may struggle to prove dependency. The fact he's still living with you will help, but may not be enough.


Good luck with this, I really hope it works out for you.

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The main issue with disabilities is that if they're disabled enough to need extra help and qualify and dependent, they're often needing too much help to pass the medical. it's a catch22. Not having the diagnosis may actually make it more likely you'll pass the medical hurdle, but then you may struggle to prove dependency. The fact he's still living with you will help, but may not be enough.


Good luck with this, I really hope it works out for you.


Youve hit the mail on the head exactly and there lies my predicament!

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ok correct me if I am wrong, but is an apprenticeship not classified as "studying". If you can get this classified as full time study you would have met the conditions needed. I have no clue's on apprenticeships so please forgive my ignorance if this is not correct. Is he in conjunction doing any form of courses at a local university or further education place for the apprenticeship?


Does the psychology report not confirm a diagnosis? Unfortunately IMO it's a catch22. Regulations clearly state to be dependent over 18 they must be in full time study. If this is not the case you are going to have to go the route of finding a way to say he is dependent on you but that might involve more tests which I understand you really don't want to have done. Can you not get your GP to find out from the psychologist who has suggested the referral asking why this should be done as he should have been "diagnosed" at such and such a date etc and see what comes from it. On the other hand the MOC might rather want an updated diagnosis so they can see exactly what/how etc, so it might actually be in your best interests.


Sorry not much help I know. Good luck

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ok correct me if I am wrong, but is an apprenticeship not classified as "studying". If you can get this classified as full time study you would have met the conditions needed. I have no clue's on apprenticeships so please forgive my ignorance if this is not correct. Is he in conjunction doing any form of courses at a local university or further education place for the apprenticeship?


Does the psychology report not confirm a diagnosis? Unfortunately IMO it's a catch22. Regulations clearly state to be dependent over 18 they must be in full time study. If this is not the case you are going to have to go the route of finding a way to say he is dependent on you but that might involve more tests which I understand you really don't want to have done. Can you not get your GP to find out from the psychologist who has suggested the referral asking why this should be done as he should have been "diagnosed" at such and such a date etc and see what comes from it. On the other hand the MOC might rather want an updated diagnosis so they can see exactly what/how etc, so it might actually be in your best interests.


Sorry not much help I know. Good luck


The problem with apprenticeships in the UK is that they are work based qualifications, and therefore are rarely considered to be "full time study". They are also paid (not a lot, but something), which full time study isn't. Some courses do block release, where the apprentices will do periods varying from a week to a month (and sometimes longer), in the classroom; some will do day-release, whereby the apprentice works for 4 days and studies for one. Others still do no work in the classroom and their skills are assessed purely by a more experienced colleague (who will have done the relevant training to be able to assess the apprentices skills and abilities and may work for the same company, or another local company). It is, as others have said, a very difficult situation to be in.

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We already are with an agent. This has been a controversial area for advice as I have found out already. My point on this thread however was more to do with the fact that the NHS doesn't seem to hold details of formal diagnosis for him as it was never done bythem when he was younger. Just trying to understand how we stand on that as a general rule. The matter of his age and proving dependency is another area for us to consider but we have been told there are ways of proving this and I accept this isn't cut and dry and could go either way. Thanks


What are you hoping to get from the forum that you are not getting from your agent? If you do not have confidence in your agent you should change agent. This is a tricky, catch 22 situation and you need the right professional help.


Whether NHS did an assessment on your son years ago is really not the issue. Your issue is that he is working and so not considered dependent. And if you manage to prove dependency because of his condition then you could fail medical because of same reason..

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